Constant nasal congestion without a common cold is the cause

Many people are familiar with the situation when nasal breathing is practically absent, but nothing is flagrant. And it's not about the density and the amount of secret secreted by the sinuses, but in their puffiness. It is important to quickly identify why there is a constant stuffy nose without coryza - the causes of this phenomenon are often rooted in the growth of tumors in the mucous membranes of the sinuses.

Physiological causes of nasal congestion without runny nose in adults

The described condition does not always indicate pathologies, sometimes it arises in response to unfavorable external conditions.

Non-dangerous causes of nasal congestion without a cold:

  1. Dry air. Insufficient moisture in the bedroom or on the street leads to the drying out of the mucous membranes of the sinuses, which causes a feeling of nasal congestion.
  2. Congenital features of the structure of the respiratory system. Some people are born with the wrong shape of the nasal septum, which prevents normal air flow.
  3. Climate and ecology. Living in areas with an increased amount of harmful emissions is inevitably accompanied by chronic swelling of the sinuses.

Constant pathological nasal congestion without a cold

There are also factors and diseases that can provoke the symptomatology in question. Due to the specific signs of each of them, it is not difficult to diagnose such diseases.

The main causes of nasal congestion without discharge:

  1. Onset of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections. In the first day after infection, breathing is difficult due to the strong swelling of the mucous membranes, but a runny nose is not yet formed.
  2. Addiction to vasoconstrictive drops. Such solutions, especially Naphthyzin , allow very quickly to blew even a thick secret and remove swelling, but with prolonged use, more than 5 days, cause dependence.
  3. Some types of allergies. The response of immunity to external stimuli is usually combined with discharge from the nose, However, there are atypical varieties of this disease, not accompanied by a runny nose.
  4. Neoplasms in the nasal sinuses. Polyps and cysts, gradually expanding, take up more and more space in the cavity, which causes difficulty in the flow of air and nasal breathing.
  5. Hormonal changes in women. The imbalance between androgens and estrogens, including pregnancy, usually provoke poor circulation and lymph circulation, leading to edema, including - internal nasal mucous membranes.