Inflammation of the urethra

This phenomenon, like inflammation of the urethra, is quite common in women. In medicine, such a disorder was called urethritis. The main manifestation of the disease is painful urination and the presence of discharge from the canal urethra.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Often the symptoms of inflammation of the urethra in women appear suddenly. So, at the next visit to the toilet there is a soreness, which is sometimes so pronounced that the girl is forced to interrupt urination.

Along with pain, there are burning, itching, a feeling of discomfort in the external genital area. It is worth noting that the appearance of discharge from the opening of the urethra is most often noted in the morning hours.

How is the treatment of inflammation of the urethra in women?

When choosing drugs, it all depends on what caused the violation itself. As a rule, the basis is made by antibacterial agents, the selection of which is based on the results of a smear from the urethra, which establish the type of pathogen. Among such drugs used in the treatment of inflammation of the urethra in women, Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Pefloxacin. Locally, vaginal suppositories, baths with a solution of potassium permanganate, calendula and chamomile can be prescribed.

What can lead to urethritis in women?

Treatment of this disease should begin immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms. However, it is worth noting that situations are possible where the disorder occurs in a latent form and is only detected by the results of a smear from the urethra and PCR diagnostics.

In the case of prolonged absence of therapy, there is a high probability that women will develop complications such as a violation of the vaginal microflora, cystitis, nephritis. Therefore, a doctor should be urgently needed.