Georgian adzhika - recipe

Authentic Georgian adzhika is the right combination of salt, spices and herbs that can emphasize the palette of any meat dish. In addition to using directly as a sauce, an acute adzhika can act as a quick and tasty marinade, which can be easily prepared for future use. About some recipes of Georgian Adzhika we will talk further.

A real Georgian adzhika is a recipe

The original recipe for Adjika is not designed for the faint-hearted or suffering from digestive problems, since it is composed of hot pepper, supplemented with a huge amount of garlic and salt, on the lion's share. Store such a refueling can even without additional sterilization of the container: spread out on clean cans, poured a thin layer of oil and leave in cool until needed.



Three days before the preparation, peppers should be put on the sun and leave a little waxy. After a while, clean the pods from the pedicels and remove all the seeds, without failing to forget to protect your hands with rubber gloves. The walls of the peeled fruits are randomly cut along with the sweet pepper and send to the bowl of the blender. Then put the peeled chives of garlic, add coriander, salt and a good handful of cilantro. Pour in the vinegar and turn all the ingredients into a gruel. A similar procedure can be performed with the help of a blender, or manually, if you have the strength and patience.

Georgian adzhika with nuts for the winter - recipe



Wearing rubber gloves, cut off the pepper stems and remove all the seeds. Fruit walls are put in a bowl of blender, add garlic teeth, dried and thoroughly peeled walnuts, as well as greens and coriander with salt. Grind everything into a paste.

Blow the cans for billets with boiling water and spread a burning sauce over them. Cover the adjika with vegetable oil per centimeter, then roll up the jars and store them in a cool place.

Acute Georgian adzhika with tomatoes - recipe

Adding tomatoes to the traditional recipe is not allowed, however, if you want to make a sauce with a mild flavor, then this option will be ideal.



Peel the sweet pepper and tomatoes from the seeds, and peel the fruit walls in any convenient way, along with hot peppers and garlic. Add salt to the vegetable mash and pour it into a wide bowl. Leave the adjika to wander for 4-5 days, stirring daily to give vent to the gas. Transfer the fermented sauce over the jars, cover with a layer of oil and store, covered with a lid, under any temperature conditions.

Green Georgian Adjika - recipe



After cleaning both kinds of pepper, grind the walls of the fruit, passing them through the meat grinder. To the chili pepper add garlic chopped garlic, chopped herbs, nuts strewed in a mortar, vinegar and hops-suneli with salt. Re-beat all the ingredients together and pour the adzhika over the clean container. A couple of days you can try the sauce.