Products containing potassium in large quantities

The human body is an amazing mechanism, for the activity of which, as fuel for the engine, useful substances are needed.

Why do I need potassium?

Not all important elements are present in the human body, but potassium in it contains more than 200 g. In the body, it affects the activity of cells, or rather, their membranes.

Potassium is actively involved in acid-base and water-salt metabolism. Without it, the heart can not work properly, there will be abnormalities in brain activity and the work of the nervous system. Insufficient amount of it negatively affects our health:

However, too much potassium is harmful: its daily norm, obtained with food, should be 2-4 g.

What foods contain potassium?

Dieticians are well aware of products containing potassium in large quantities:

Vegetables and fruits containing potassium in our diet are presented in large quantities. Among them: a variety of courgettes and pumpkins, cucumbers and tomatoes, legumes, radishes, carrots, all kinds of cabbage, beets, garlic. Also - it's cranberries, currants, melons and watermelons.

As a rule, on our table there are fruits containing potassium: these are many bananas and oranges. Among fruits with a high content of potassium, it is also allocated persimmon and apricots .

It is established that potassium is excreted from the body with urine, and practically in the same amounts, in which he entered there. An excess of it is not less harmful than a defect, and it can be replenished in the body if one knows that it contains potassium. In addition to the already listed products, which initially contain this element in its composition, it can be replenished by using a drink that can be prepared at home. To do this, in a glass of boiled water you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar, drink in small sips in the intervals between meals.

How is potassium absorbed?

Potassium, necessary for the normal operation of the heart and nervous system, is contained in medicinal preparations, in particular in asparcam and panangin. In addition, there are vitamin complexes that provide the body with the necessary amount. If we know which vitamins contain potassium, it is easier for us to regulate its intake through periodic intake. By the way, it is worth noting that in dosage forms, potassium is best absorbed together with magnesium. This "tandem" provides:

It is also worth noting that foods containing potassium must be present in the ration of athletes who require a set of muscle mass, as well as those who are engaged in heavy physical labor or are associated with constant physical stress. It is important for them that the body is supplemented daily with potassium for 4-5 grams. For the rest, his intake of 2-3 grams will suffice.