Green tea for face

It is well known that green tea has a tonic effect on the body and contains a lot of minerals and vitamins. But, in addition, green tea is very useful for the skin of the face. Healing plant in the composition of cosmetics as follows affects the skin:

Application of green tea in home cosmetology

The easiest way to use green tea for the face is to rub the skin with the infusion of the plant. Cosmetologists recommend performing this procedure before visiting the beach to create protection for the epidermis. Also, brewed green tea is useful to clean the skin, prone to acne eruptions.

Even more effectively massage the skin using ice and green tea for the face and decollete zone. Ice refreshes the face and improves blood circulation. It's great if the ice cubes for the face are frozen from green tea, half diluted with mineral water.

Masks from green tea for the face

Masks with green tea are recommended at home to do regularly to find the desired freshness and smooth wrinkles.

Mask for sagging skin:

  1. A tablespoon of dry green tea is brewed with 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. In a cooled drink, spread 20 grams of sour cream and mix well.
  3. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Mask for skin prone to rashes:

  1. 5 g of green tea is steamed a quarter of a glass of boiled hot milk.
  2. Then 40 g of oat flakes (or oatmeal) are added to the liquid.
  3. The composition is insisted for 20 minutes, after which it is applied to the face for approximately 15 minutes.

With the help of a mask you can get rid of acne and comedones (black dots).