How to lose weight in the winter?

As you know, the time for losing weight is summer, or, in extreme cases, spring. The metabolism accelerates, the mood rises, as, actually, both our mobility and physical activity. Well, and by the winter, it is customary to get fat, to drink tea with gingerbread.

But losing weight also means fighting against stereotypes, and therefore, catch a few tips on how to lose weight in winter.

  1. If you are lucky enough to live in the area with snowy winters, take walks in the snow, and not on the cleaned sidewalks. Snow creates resistance to your movement, and a fast pace will accelerate your heartbeat to the frequency necessary for fat burning . As a result, you can lose 400 calories for such a walk.
  2. Sledge is again a way to lose weight over the winter if you have snow. Go to the hill, and even though you will sit on the sled, from standing on foot to the mountain you will lose 300 or more calories.
  3. If you are not a fan of sledging, put your diet on them, or the neighbor's child, and roll it up to its own mental fatigue (which will not happen before you lose several hundred kilocalories).
  4. Temperature - the lower, the better. Doubts about whether you can lose weight in the winter, will dissipate as soon as you realize that on the very maintenance of body temperature in the fight against frost, the body spends a lot of energy, which means that it burns fats in the furnace.
  5. Skates will help you lose weight especially if riding them for you is very unusual. The process of learning (falls and ups) will already take the caloric value of the eaten lunch, and the entire fat stock accumulated for New Year's feasts will be spent on the ride itself.
  6. When you are told that only physical exercises contribute to weight loss - do not believe it. Organism is still on what you spend calories, the main thing is that their shortage is formed. Therefore, make a thorough house cleaning: hang everything on the balcony, and do not forget to leave the door open - fat is burned with oxygen, so add it to the heated and airless winter room.
  7. Drink more water - in winter our body needs it even more than in the summer heat. Otherwise, come across edema and permanent dry winter skin.