Magnesium in food products

Our food is rich not only with all the known proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also with vitamins, minerals and a very large amount of microelements. All these elements are important in the life of the body, they are directly involved in many processes. One of the main minerals in the human body is magnesium. Its content in the human body is about 20-30 mg, 99% of which is contained in bone tissue.

The Benefits of Magnesium

The content of magnesium in food provides protein biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Has a calming, vasodilating and diuretic effect, participates in the process of digestion, the work of muscles, the formation of bones, the creation of new cells, activates the vitamins of group B, etc. And this, undoubtedly, speaks about the huge benefit of magnesium in human life.

The lack of magnesium is accompanied by dizziness, convulsions, loss of balance, "stars" in the eyes, fog in the head, palpitations, sleep disturbance, etc. Therefore, if you have any of these symptoms often appearing, consider whether magnesium is sufficient in your diet.

Magnesium can be consumed in medical preparations, but we are more interested in the question of what foods contain magnesium, because first of all you should try to get a sufficient amount of useful substances from consumed food.

The magnesium content of food

The magnesium content of various products is different. Of course, it is interesting to know in which products more magnesium. The leader in this list is cashew nut (270 mg), the next position is available to all grains of buckwheat (258 mg), then mustard (238 mg), the next place was divided by pine nuts and almonds, with a magnesium content of 234 mg. Also, products with a high magnesium content include pistachios (200 mg), peanuts (182 mg), hazelnuts (172), seaweed (170) and complete this list of oatmeal (135 mg), millet (130 mg), walnut (120 mg ), peas and beans (about 105 mg).

Chlorophyll contains a large amount of magnesium. Everyone remembers from biology what chlorophyll is and therefore it will not be difficult to guess which foods contain magnesium. Of course, in products that have a green color, such as green onions, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, green beans, etc. However, this is not all foods containing magnesium. Magnesium is also found in products such as wheat bran, soy flour, sweet almonds, peas, wheat, many cereals, apricots, cabbage, etc.

With regard to products containing magnesium of animal origin, pay attention to seafood - sea fish, squid, shrimp. Meat and dairy products contain an insignificant amount of magnesium.

Still need to mention in which products are not very much magnesium. These include fancy foods, baked goods.

Note that the amount of magnesium in the products decreases with their prolonged heat treatment. The elimination of magnesium from the body contributes to the use of alcohol and coffee. Magnesium is poorly absorbed in diseases of the thyroid gland, so if magnesium enters your body enough, and the symptoms of a lack remain, check the thyroid gland.

Note that the daily requirement for magnesium in an adult is 300 to 500 mg. Some people, for example, with cardiovascular diseases, need to consume more magnesium per day. With reduced immunity, it will also be good to increase magnesium intake.