On what day does milk come after delivery?

Quite often the newly mummies are asking themselves a question that directly relates to what day breastmilk comes after giving birth. Let's try to answer it, having understood in nuances of such process as a lactemia.

When does a woman give birth to milk?

It is unambiguous to name the time, after how many (for what day) does milk come after delivery, it is very difficult. The thing is that everything depends on the hormonal background of the woman and the concentration of such a hormone as prolactin. It is he who is responsible for the production of breast milk. If it is produced in insufficient quantity, then there will be practically no milk for my mother.

If, on the average, the term is called when milk begins to be produced in the mammary glands, it is usually 4-5 days after delivery. Until this time, the woman marks the discharge from the nipples of colostrum, which has a clear color or a yellowish tinge. Its volume is small - usually up to 100 ml. However, it is so nutritious that the baby is enough. Therefore, mother should not worry that her baby is hungry.

In order to understand that breast milk after childbirth has come and such a process as lactation has begun, a woman should carefully examine her breasts. When palpation it is noticeable that the mammary glands have become denser, increased in size, with a slight pressure on the nipple appears a white liquid.

Can milk not come after giving birth?

This kind of question is often asked by women whose delivery was performed by cesarean section. In such situations, milk production begins a little later - about a week later. Its early start is facilitated by frequent attachment of the baby to the chest.

In most cases, the explanation of why milk does not come after giving birth can be:

How to cause lactation?

In most cases, young mothers do not know what to do in order for milk to come after giving birth and often panic, trying to pick up artificial food . Doctors do not recommend this and say that almost every mother can feed her baby breast.

When asked about what to do to get milk after delivery, doctors recommend the following:

  1. Often apply the baby to the chest , every 2 hours.
  2. To conduct massage of mammary glands.
  3. Drink more liquid, in particular dairy products.
  4. To exclude from the diet salty and spicy dishes.

In some cases, when the above recommendations do not bring a proper result, hormonal therapy with the use of prolactin preparations can be prescribed.