Conflicts in school

The school assumes not only the learning process, but also communication with teachers, classmates and students of other classes. Unfortunately, the interaction of schoolchildren and teachers sometimes ends in conflicts. This frustrates all sides of the confrontation, and, first of all, of the parents. They are ready to make every effort to help the child. But how to solve conflicts in school? And how to teach the child to shy away from them?

Causes of conflict in school

Pupils, teachers are all individuals with their intentions and opinions. In a large school collective, a collision of interests is inevitable. The main conflicts are:

Examples of conflicts in the school set. Basically, quarrels between pupils arise most often because of attempts at self-affirmation due to ridicule over other, physically and psychologically weaker children. To that children now are very cruel, and if in the classmate any distinction is noticed, it by all means leads to mockery. The wrangling with the teacher is caused by the desire to stand out and gain credibility among the other students. Guilty there is also the teacher, without attention relating to the laggards in the classroom or overly praising the achievers.

How to solve conflicts in school?

In the event of conflicts, parents first need to listen to their own child, without assessing his actions and accusations. The atmosphere in a conversation should be trustworthy. After that, discuss the situation and carefully bring the student to the idea that the reason for the quarrel was misunderstanding.

The next step is to get acquainted with the point of view of the opposite side of the conflict (teacher or other schoolchildren). The search for an exit from the conflict should occur at a joint conversation between parents, students and a teacher. If the attempts to resolve the conflict are fiasco, you should contact the school administration, the school psychologist. Perhaps the solution will be to change the school or class.

But if a child regularly has bruises in conflicts with classmates, you will have to act decisively and connect the leadership of the school and other parents.

Prevention of conflicts in school

To ensure that the child does not get into the thick of conflicts, cultivate in him a sense of self-worth and the ability to stand up for oneself. It will be useful to give it to the sports section on boxing or wrestling. Teach the student in no way to show his fear and not succumb to provocation. But it is necessary to instil in children respect for teachers and others.

In how to avoid conflict in school, parents play an important role. You should always keep in touch with the teacher. In tense situations, do not stand up blindly for your child's position, listen to the opposite side.