Stamp currant

In order to grow as much currants as possible on a small plot of land, and to obtain large commodity berries, use a truncated form of currant. This plant is no different in the care of ordinary bushes, but thanks to its compact form takes much less space, and yields even more and the berries are larger than in bush forms.

How to grow a black currant?

First you need to choose a good place to plant. It is known that this plant is photophilous and in the shade it will bring a very meager crop. Formation of the pudding currant must begin in the second year of planting.

To do this, choose the most even and strong branch, and the rest cut off at the root or even just below the soil level. This branch will serve as the trunk of the future miniature tree. In the ground to a depth of at least 40 cm near the seedlings, dig in the support about one and a half meters in height and tie a currant to it so that the young plant does not break from strong winds or the severity of the crop.

It is very important that the plant puts the force in the trunk. To do this, all the shoots that appear throughout the summer, destroy, as well as the emerging lateral shoots. In order not to provoke their growth, some gardeners went on a trick. It is necessary first to determine what height you want to have a blackcurrant - as a rule, it is from 60 to 80 cm in height. Throughout this length, the stem is tightly wrapped with opaque material up to a level 10 cm below the ground.

Where the trunk is not closed, fruiting branches will begin to form, which will yield crops. Thanks to this growing, the berries become larger. It is best not to leave the formation of the crown on its own, but to give it a spherical or domed shape.

Fruiting stemmed currant begins just like the usual - for the second or third year after planting, increasing the volume of the crop every year. The only drawback of such cultivation is its relative fragility, in contrast to traditional cluster cultivation. Like ordinary species, the stamping currant needs proper care throughout the entire growing season.

Varieties of pudding currant

You can create a miniature tree of a truncated currant from both red and black, although the red one looks more impressive on the site. This should be taken into account by those who plant the plant not so much for the purpose of obtaining berries, as for decorating the site with unusual plants.