Milk diet for weight loss - the best options

Cocktails for weight loss are not without reason becoming ingredients of various dietary regimens. They have all the necessary components and nutrients, elements that contribute to weight loss. The most simple and familiar from childhood drinks - tea and milk - includes a diet for milk.

How to make milk for weight loss?

This system of food refers to strict diets. The classical variant forbids to use other food in addition to the two main ingredients, and mix them in certain proportions. Milk is desirable to take from 1 to 2.5% fat, and tea - green without additives. If desired, you can alternate drinks, drink fruit teas or ordinary black. But you need to know how to make milk for weight loss . There are several of his recipes:

  1. Milk is heated to 70 degrees, 4 parts per liter are added to the mixture. welding. The solution is infused for 15-20 minutes and is ready for use.
  2. You can change the ingredients in some places: first brew infusion (a spoon for 100-150 ml of boiling water), and then add the same amount of milk.
  3. For those who do not like hot drinks, you can mix the components in a cooled state.
  4. English recipe - before brewing milk for weight loss, pre-heat the cup. Add one third of milk and two-thirds of strong infusions. Mix.

Weight Loss on Milk - Diet

The benefits of tea are known more than 5 thousand years. It strengthens health, gives vivacity, cleanses the body of cholesterol. This drink is useful doubly in combination with milk, because it contains calcium, which neutralizes the effect of caffeine. The products perfectly complement each other, which makes the milk when losing weight an excellent assistant to combat excess weight. It has a diuretic effect, gives energy to the body, removes slag. In just one day, the diet on this drink can lose up to 2 kg.

How to drink milk for weight loss? Every 2 hours, in between meals or replacing meals. Variants of the regime are different: from one (unloading) day to 10 days. In the first case, the diet is supplemented with low-calorie products or in general by their absence. In the second - the drink becomes simply an addition to the menu. They can replace, for example, the usual hearty supper. A positive effect will be obtained.

Diet on vegetables, fruits and milk

There is a simple, satisfying and easily tolerable diet for milk, the menu of which includes such useful fruits and vegetables. It is calculated for three days and helps in a short time to get rid of 4-5 extra pounds. It is recommended to drink a healthy drink every two hours, and the feeling of hunger is silenced by the use of vegetable juices and dried fruits. The menu is:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Diet milk for a week

Extended diet regimens for 5-7 days are suitable for those who are ready for a whole week with pleasure to consume milk; a diet of 7 days, the menu of which is more diverse, allows you to throw up to 10 kg. The diet for the whole week is approximately the following:

Milk diet for 3 days

There is an abbreviated menu of no less strict weight loss system, which should be adhered to only three days. As always, the main ingredient is milk, and the diet helps in a short time to come to form. Diet on milk for three days:

  1. Day 1 : It is allowed to take only a drink every two hours. Plus to this - drink at least 8 glasses of clean water. You can take vitamin preparations.
  2. Day 2 : Boiled buckwheat or potatoes, baked in a uniform , low-fat kefir. Do not forget about water and vitamins.
  3. Day 3 : Milk and water. In combination, these two drinks allow you to remove excess fluid from the body together with toxins, but not to allow dehydration.