Walking on skis is good and bad

Winter brings with it its own joys and entertainment and gives the opportunity to reinforce its physical strength and health with the help of winter sports. The appearance of snow is a sign that it's time to get on skis and go for a winter walk.

Walking and running - these are the two main types of sports load, obtained with the help of skis. Beginners, as well as those who had injuries of the musculoskeletal system, it is better to stop your choice on the sport of walking on skis.

The benefit and harm of skiing

The benefit of walking on skis can be experienced by everyone. Systematic training leads to the following results:

Damage to skiing

The damage to skiing can be affected if:

In other cases, the benefits of skiing for health are beyond doubt. However, do not immediately try to break the world record. Lessons should start with small hikes, increasing gradually the time of walking and exercise.