Numbness of fingers - treatment

At first glance, the numbness of the fingers seems a completely innocuous problem - with whom it has not happened. In fact, it can be a sign of serious diseases, which you need to immediately pay attention. If you do not neglect the numbness of your fingers, the treatment of the cause of this symptom may be much simpler. And there are quite a lot of reasons.

The main causes of numbness in the fingers

For sure, with unpleasant sensations, when the fingers become numb and almost uncontrollable, at least once in life, everyone came across. It's one thing if your hands are numb sometimes because of too tight clothing or an overly tight bracelet. And quite another, when this problem worries with unenviable persistence and without any apparent cause.

Treatment of numbness in the fingers may be required for the following reasons:

  1. Very often the fingers begin to grow numb because of the syndrome of the carpal canal. If the diagnosis is correct, then in addition to numbness, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation. In some cases, even severe pains appear. The syndrome of the carpal canal mainly develops in those who spend a lot of time working at the computer.
  2. Nemeth fingers can also with problems with the patency of the vessels, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  3. Another reason - a polyneuropathy , provoked by diabetes.
  4. The Reynaud disease has a negative effect on the body. Because of the damage to the small arteries and capillaries, the blood enters the hands in insufficient quantities.

The list of diseases manifested by numb fingers can continue for a long time. As you can see, the problem is really serious and requires no less serious treatment.

Treatment of numbness of the fingers of the left and right hands

As you yourself understand, to cure numbness of fingers, do not squeeze the cause, this phenomenon is provocative, it is impossible. That is why the first stage of treatment must necessarily be a comprehensive examination and an accurate diagnosis. Only after this, you can proceed with the selection of a suitable treatment for numb fingers.

There are many methods of treatment:

  1. The simplest is with the help of massage and special gymnastics. This method can be used for prevention. Physical exercises are very fast and effective.
  2. In more complex cases, manual therapy is used. Such treatment will help to remove the edema and improve the blood supply of brushes.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also effective.
  4. Very often, the medication method is used to treat numbness of the fingers. Medicines are selected depending on the diagnosis and stage of the disease.
  5. Some patients are helped by acupuncture .

Of course, folk medicine also has something to say about this. Healing recipes very much. To rely solely on them is not recommended, but in parallel with the main treatment you can try:

  1. The pumpkin compress proved to be good. A small amount of warm pumpkin porridge is applied to a sick hand. For maximum effect, the compress should be wrapped.
  2. It is easy to prepare a special cream. One liter of ground black pepper is taken per liter of sunflower oil. Ingredients should be boiled together and cooled. The mixture is rubbed into the hands several times a day, soon the fingers will cease to numb.
  3. Effective and simple contrast baths.

It is important to understand that no method and no ointment in the treatment of numbness in the fingers will be able to act one hundred percent if a person does not observe a healthy lifestyle. Patients are forbidden to smoke and it is recommended to give more time to sports. In the diet it is desirable to include hot vitaminized food.