Apple diet

In Slavic mythology, an apple was always assigned a special role. Apple embodies fertility, strong marital bonds, healthy offspring. Apple gave each other a sign of love and friendship, gave them at the birth of a child, invited them to christenings, taking an apple from a guy, the girl agreed to marry him. And although today these traditions have lost their meaning, apples have remained an unchanged component of our diet.

Considering the fact that apples lie on the shelves of stores all year round, you can try to lose weight with the help of this familiar fruit. The average apple contains about 85 calories. This dietary fruit will not only make the forms slimmer, but also fill the body with the necessary iron. It is very useful to eat at least one apple a day, together with skin and seeds (they contain a lot of iodine). Because of the large number of different varieties of apples, the apple diet is easier to tolerate and does not bother your taste buds. But it is worth considering that with a stomach ulcer doctors do not recommend eating sour apples, it is better to use apples of varieties: Richard, Jonagold, Brabeern, Gala. With gastritis, on the contrary, one should eat apples of acidic varieties, such as Grani Smith, Antonovka, Gold.

Apples contain a large amount of fiber (in an apple contains about 5 grams), but if apples are rubbed on grater before consumption, they will be assimilated much faster.

Apple Unloading Days

We all know that apples are very useful fruits. They contain a large amount of iron (2205 μg per 100 g of product), potassium (250 mg), sodium (27 mg), zinc (239 μg) and vitamin C (1.5-16.5 mg). Despite this, the apple diet can not be chosen as a permanent food system. Therefore, it is best to arrange "apple days of release". Within 1-2 days a week, as a body cleansing, you need to eat only apples, and drink them with plenty of mineral water and herbal tea.

You can try a more rigid option, when you can eat only 1.5 kg of apples per day, and do not drink water at all (the body should have enough liquid obtained from apples).

Not so bored with a fasting day with the use of raw and baked apples. To do this, take 1.5 kg of apples, 0.5 kg bake in the oven, others use raw. The whole number of apples should be evenly distributed for a day.

There is also an easy option for apple day of unloading.

Breakfast: one apple, grated, mixed with yoghurt 0% fat and 1 tablespoon oat flakes. Mix thoroughly and let stand for five minutes.

Lunch: finely chopped two apples, greens, lettuce, seasoned with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, olive oil and yogurt 0% fat.

Snack: one apple.

Dinner: salad from one apple and 150 g of low-fat (not more than 35% fat) hard cheese.

And now let's go directly to apple diets.

Six-Day Apple Diet

The result of this apple diet is a weight loss of up to 6 kg. Stick to it is not easy, although in addition to apples you can eat dried rye bread without salt, and also drink green tea (or any herbal) without sugar.

The meaning of the diet: on the first day you can eat 1 kg of apples. On the second day - 1.5 kg of apples. In the third and fourth - the number of apples increases to 2 kg per day. On the fifth day again decreases to 1.5 kg. And on the sixth day it is allowed to eat only 1 kg of apples.

Three-day apple diet

If your goal is to lose just a few extra pounds, then this option is what you need! The effectiveness of the diet is to reduce the total caloric intake. During the diet, you need to eat apples (up to 1.5 kg) and drink them with mineral water. Apples can be baked, mashed, squeezed juice. The result after the end of this apple diet, you can become - 3 kg in the red.

Kefir-apple diet

For those who want to lose 6 kg per week, there is a kefir-apple diet. For a day you will need 6 green unsweetened apples and 600 ml of kefir (1% fat content). All this must be divided into 6 methods. A green hour, and mineral non-carbonated water without sugar can be drunk in any quantities.

This apple diet brings good results, acts quickly and effectively. Such a diet can be adhered to people with chronic diseases (tentatively consult with a doctor). But you can repeat it no more than once in 3 months.

Diet on apple juice

The juice for this diet should only be freshly squeezed (the juice from the packets will do more harm than good). Drink the juice every two hours for 500 ml. Such a diet should be adhered to for 3 days.

Another version of the diet on apple juice looks like this: the first two days, drink 2 cups of juice every 2 hours. On the third day in the morning you should drink 0.5 liters of juice, and after 30 minutes - half a glass of olive oil and immediately after it, a glass of diluted water (in proportion 1: 3) of apple juice. With the help of such a diet on apple juice can get rid of small stones in the kidneys.

Due to the lack of fiber, a diet on apple juice can cause a lack of stool. In that case, you need to drink a laxative herbal tea in the evening.

Diet on apple cider vinegar

Apple diets are effective not only for weight loss, but also for health promotion. No wonder the English say: "Who eats an apple a day, that doctor does not happen." Diet on apple cider vinegar improves digestion, and with regular application - leads to a decrease in body weight. To do this, you need a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey to pour a glass of water and drink this drink every meal. The result of the diet on apple cider vinegar you will see only after 2-3 months. A significant weight reduction will come only after 1-2 years.