Lactose - harm and benefit

Lactose or, as it is often called milk sugar, is a disaccharide that is present in many foods, especially in milk and dairy products. Lactose refers to carbohydrates , it is formed from the residual molecules of glucose and galactose.

Benefit and harm of lactose

For normal digestion and assimilation of lactose in the body, a special enzyme called lactase must be produced in sufficient quantities. This enzyme is located in the outer layer of cells of the small intestine.

The advantage of lactose, first of all, is that being an easily digestible carbohydrate, it is able to quickly restore the energy balance. Also useful properties of lactose are:

With a lack of lactose, which is most often found in children, there is a general decrease in body tone, lethargy, drowsiness and loss of strength. Lactose damage is caused by two factors - an excess of this carbohydrate in the body and individual intolerance. Excess lactose is manifested by symptoms that are typical for poisoning and allergies - diarrhea, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, fever, puffiness of the face, rhinitis, itching and rash. The reason for lactose intolerance is the lack or absence of lactase in the intestine.

Specialists distinguish two types of this disease - genetic congenital lactose intolerance and secondary acquired hypolactasia. The cause of the first are factors of a hereditary nature and aspects of the course of pregnancy, a second type of disease can cause infectious and viral diseases that disrupt the balance of enzymes in the intestine.

People with this diagnosis need to identify the cause of this pathology and exclude from the diet products containing lactose. A complete exclusion from the diet of lactose can cause serious impairment in the work of the intestines, so the diet should be prescribed and treated by a specialist.

Diet with lactose intolerance

Lactose is found not only in dairy products, it is also included in cocoa, chocolate, sweets, cookies, margarines. In a safe amount, it is presented in various types of cabbage, turnips, almonds, salmon and sardines.

In acute lactose intolerance, it is desirable to exclude all products that contain it even in small doses. Most often, for a person to feel normal, it is enough to exclude milk and dairy products. This is most difficult to do with the feeding of infants, for them, specially formulated mixtures based on soy milk. In addition, hypolactasia is treated with special drugs, including enzymes for digesting lactose.