Seal on the labia

Sometimes it happens that a woman completely unexpectedly notices a subcutaneous compaction on the large or small labia, most often painful. It can be a sign of various gynecological diseases, so at the slightest suspicion of unpleasant sensations and extraneous neoplasms should consult a doctor.

In some cases, the appeared condensation on the labia may be a common acne as a local reaction to an extraneous stimulus. Over time, such a seal passes by itself.


It should be excluded that a woman has such a serious gynecological disease as bartolinite.

Bartholinitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in a special Bartholin duct as a result of an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted, less often if there is an infection in the tonsils or with dental diseases. If a woman has a densification on the labia, the frequent reason for this formation is insufficient compliance with personal hygiene rules, as a result of which pathogenic pathogens invade the body.

Symptoms of Bartholinitis

If the disease is triggered, the solid formation on the labia may be quite painful, tingling and burning in the compaction area are also felt. As a rule, when the seal is pressed, the pain sensations increase.

In addition, the following symptoms can occur:

In especially severe cases, the pain reaches such a degree that a woman can not walk normally.

If the seal on the labia does not induce a woman to begin treatment and consult a doctor, then eventually the abscess can spontaneously open. In this case, the woman is temporarily relieved. However, the disease itself has remained, as a result of which relapses may subsequently occur. The disease itself can turn into a chronic one, which is harder to treat because of its neglect. If the disease progresses, it is possible the formation of a cyst in the region of small and large labia, which already requires surgical intervention. Often the presence of a cyst can make it difficult to perform physiological functions (urination, act of defecation).

As a rule, the treatment of seals in Bartholin gland is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of the medical staff around the clock. This is due to the need to open a purulent neoplasm and in order to avoid abscess and other complications it is important to monitor the condition of a woman every three hours. In the period after the treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor the hygiene of the genital bodies in order to prevent the entry of pathogens into the body. It is recommended to make sedentary baths with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, decoction of chamomile or eucalyptus.

Treatment of seals in the labia with folk remedies does not have a therapeutic effect if it is not combined with concurrent administration of antibiotics (tetracycline, ofloxacin) and antibacterial agents (eg betadine).

It should be remembered that in the presence of any seals in the pelvic area it is important to consult a doctor in time, even in the absence of pain symptoms or visible signs of the disease, as the disease is easier to prevent than treat its consequences.