Exercises for rapid weight loss

Legs are different - even and not quite, thin and full, and all this, regardless of the general structure of the body. But the most pleasant thing is that with the help of exercises for rapid weight loss of legs, you can correct your limbs and form a correct relief.

  1. Falls with dumbbells - perform three approaches 15-20 times. Feet together, hands along the body, back straight. Make a wide step forward, bend the front leg, then bend and unbend your legs in this position.
  2. Extension of legs in the simulator - we make three approaches 15-20 times. Sit on the seat of the simulator and place your feet under the crossbar. Straighten your legs to the limit until they are fully straightened. Lower your legs, bend them back so that your feet are on your knees, so the muscles stretch.
  3. Squat with the bar - we perform three sets of 15-20 repetitions. This is the best exercise for losing weight legs, without it you will not be able to achieve beautiful legs. Approach the bar with the bar should only after performing several approaches previous exercises, when the muscles are warmed up and adapted to the load, and at first, take not even the bar, but only the neck. Squatting, keep your back straight, look ahead. Knees do not protrude at the toe, and in the final phase the buttocks and shin should close. Get up smoothly - breathe in while lowering, exhale on the rise.
  4. In the complex of exercises for weight loss of legs should always include 20-30 minutes of fat burning on the treadmill.

Program for building muscle mass

Thin legs and slender legs are not the same thing. To build muscle, for the acquisition of relief should work with extremely large weight at a moderate pace.

  1. Half-sided with the bar - 3 sets of 8-10 times. To form the buttocks, the so-called "Brazilian ass," you need to work with a significant increase in burdens. To avoid injuries with high weight, you need to accurately work out the technique - the buttocks in this case should be lowered parallel to the floor.
  2. Bending legs in the simulator - 3 sets of 8-10 times. It is necessary to lie down on the bench, grab hold of the levers, lower the feet under the stand. We bend our legs, raise the pedestal as high as possible, lower our legs to the limit.
  3. Ascent to the toe standing - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. This exercise is for the thin legs only. In the absence of a special simulator, you can simply execute it on a platform platform with dumbbells in your hand.
  4. Press the legs in the simulator - 3 sets of 10-12 times. Exercise makes it possible to give a beautiful, athletic form to the legs and does not load the back. It is necessary to occupy the position in the training apparatus for bench press, to rest your feet on the platform. Legs should be bent at the knees and brought as close as possible to the shoulders. Then extend the legs, until they are fully straightened.