Crafts from seeds and croups with their own hands

Creating vivid and original handicrafts with your own hands is an incredibly fun and useful pastime for children of all ages. You can use various natural materials, including cereals and seeds, to make gifts for loved ones, all kinds of valuable things and elements of decorative interior decoration.

It will not be difficult to get them, because these materials are available in almost every house, and working with them brings real pleasure to children and adults. In addition, all seeds and cereals differ from each other in shape, size and color, so the masterpieces made with their help turn out to be unusually beautiful, bright and unique.

In this article we will tell you about the features of working with these materials, and also give some detailed instructions for creating original handicrafts from seeds and cereals with your own hands.

How to make an article from seeds and cereals?

The easiest way to make artifacts from cereals and seeds for children is to use these small materials to decorate various panels in the technique of application. To create them, you need a sheet of cardboard, chipboard or any other flat surface that will form the basis of the proposed masterpiece, PVA glue, as well as various types of cereals and seeds. In addition, if necessary, these natural materials can be dyed with gouache or acrylic paint to get the right shade.

In particular, every child, no doubt, will like to create with their own hands a picture depicting beautiful and graceful cranes. To produce it you will help the following master class:

  1. On a sheet of chipboard of the right size, use a simple pencil to draw a sketch of the intended drawing.
  2. Gradually apply a PVA glue on the surface and fill the picture with the necessary seeds and croup.
  3. Upon completion of work, carefully cover the resulting panel with varnish.
  4. If desired, put the picture in a frame, pre-purchased in a store or made by own hands.

Application of seeds and cereals can be done not only with the help of glue, but also with the use of plasticine. To do this, this viscous material should be spread over the desired surface, and then with your finger, press the necessary seeds and grains into it, gradually filling up all the necessary space and alternating the material, depending on the resulting pattern.

In addition, from large seeds, for example, pumpkin or watermelon, you can make stringed items in the form of beads or garlands. Of course, this work requires certain skills and an increased level of accuracy, so it is suitable only for older children. Kids, in turn, can also do such crafts, but only with the help of adults and under their close supervision.

To participate in various competitions or decorate the interior of your house with the help of cereals and seeds, you can also perform an incredibly beautiful coffee table. To do this, use the following step-by-step instruction:

  1. Ask your dad for help to make a design that resembles a table, or use a finished piece of furniture.
  2. Cover the table with acrylic paint in 2-3 layers.
  3. Divide the table top into several small rectangles of the same size.
  4. One of the sections is plentifully spread with PVA glue, after which lay out the whole surface with a certain grain or any kind of seeds.
  5. In exactly the same way, fill the entire area of ​​the table top, alternating different types of cereals and seeds.
  6. At the end of the work, pour the entire surface of the table top with a thick layer of PVA and leave to dry for 24 hours.
  7. After this, pour the rump and seeds on the surface of the table with epoxy resin and let it dry again within a day.
  8. You will get a bright and original table, which will serve as an excellent decoration of the interior.

There are many more ways to make crafts from seeds and cereals, including autumn, which are very popular among children and adults. Some ideas of such masterpieces are demonstrated in our photo gallery: