Where is the frontal articulation?

Longevity , also called the pubic symphysis, is in front of the bladder and above the external genitalia. Close to him, the women have a clitoris, and in men - a ligament, holding the penis. We told you where the articulation is located, then we will talk about its structure and injuries.


Lone symphysis is a semi-mobile connection. Its width in the fore sections exceeds the width of its posterior surface by 5 mm. In the region of the pubic articulation, a fibrous-cartilaginous disc with a slit-shaped cavity and avascular fluid is isolated. The connecting surfaces of the pubic bones are covered with hyaline cartilage. The lower edge of the symphysis is attached by a ligament running along the lower edge of the articulation. The upper edge of the lone articulation is also supported by a ligament stretched between the lobes and strengthened by the tendons of the abdominal muscles. Also there are two more ligaments: front and back.

Pain in the region of the pubic joint

If the lonnoe articulation hurts, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. Most of these cases occur in newly-given women. Patients complain of crunches and pulling pains in the pubic area, which increase during movements. It is a matter of symphysitis or discrepancy of the bones of the lone articulation. It can be softening, stretching, swelling or other changes. This disease occurs due to physiological changes, which are an adaptive process for facilitating childbirth. To diagnose a woman who gave birth or pregnant women, she is prescribed an ultrasound of the lone articulation. The normal divergence of symphysis is 5-6 mm. With a discrepancy of more than 7-9 mm Symphysitis is diagnosed after childbirth .

Another cause of unpleasant sensations can be a fracture of the lonnoe articulation. In 70% of cases, symphysis ruptures occur along with fractures of the legs, especially the hip. The causes of such serious injuries are falling from a high altitude and car accidents. Do ultrasound as a lone articulation, and the entire pelvis. In case of a fracture in order to avoid infection and improper coalescence of bones, it is recommended that bed rest is from 2 months.