Do not contract the uterus after childbirth

After giving birth, the woman enters a recovery period, during which the healing of abrasions and sutures, the formation of the cervix and the reduction of the uterus. The last process is most important. However, it happens that the uterus does not contract after delivery.

Extended uterus after childbirth - reasons

After delivery, the uterus gradually returns to normal size (involution). In the first hours after the birth of the child, the inner surface of the uterus is, in fact, a bleeding wound. Uterine contractions contribute to clogging of blood vessels and prevent the development of postpartum hemorrhage.

If the uterus cavity is expanded after childbirth and does not hurry to shrink, it can be very dangerous for the life of the woman. Causes of hypotension of the uterus, when her muscles contract more slowly than necessary, can be:

How to strengthen uterine contractions?

To improve uterine contractions after childbirth in maternity homes, the following activities are practiced:

In the absence of effect, a woman is prescribed oxytocin in the form of an injection or a dropper. In severe cases, the uterus is cleaned under general anesthesia. With the development of bleeding, threatening the life of the parturient woman, the uterus is removed.