Toothache during breastfeeding

Tooth pains during breastfeeding of newborns are quite frequent companions of young mothers. The body of a woman undergoes considerable loads during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, affects the lack of calcium and other nutrients, as well as the lack of time for preventive examinations of the oral cavity at the dentist. All this in the aggregate leads during lactation to such an unpleasant phenomenon as toothache.

Causes of toothache when feeding

Teeth can be sore for the following reasons:

A lot has been said about the mechanism of caries and its complication with pulpitis, and there is no point in repeating it. As for the inflammation of the gums, the cause may be the accumulation of food residues in the "pockets" between the tooth and gum.

What if the tooth hurts?

Toothache with lactation is not necessary, and simply can not be tolerated. Maximum, you can try to anesthetize the tooth for a while, if the pain occurred on weekends or holidays. From toothache in lactation, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen. But not longer than 2-3 days.

As soon as possible, you need to go urgently to the dentist. Only qualitative and competent treatment can save you from intolerable sensations.

Contrary to expectations, during breastfeeding, local anesthesia can be used in the form of ultracaine and ice medicine. The doctor should be warned that you are a nursing mother - he will inject a small dose of anesthetic, which will be quickly removed from the body and will not have time to harm the baby.

Toothache when breastfeeding should not cause panic - your fears and nerves will necessarily affect the behavior of the child. Refer to visiting the dental clinic as a fairly peaceful event. Also remember, that it is impossible to try to cure independently a tooth by means of rinsings and tablets - caries from it or this does not grow. But complications from prolonged disregard for the health of teeth will necessarily occur.

Do not be afraid of dentists and be healthy!