Pregnancy after laparoscopy

There are many reasons why a woman can not become a mother. But, fortunately, modern medicine does not stand still, and many problems today can be solved. One of the new technologies was laparoscopy , after which pregnancy does not seem like a pipe dream.

About the procedure

Laparoscopy is a modern surgical method for diagnosing and treating diseases of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. The essence of the procedure is to guide the abdominal cavity through small incisions of optical instruments and instruments. This method allows for a small traumatic examination of internal organs and, if necessary, to conduct surgical intervention.

As a rule, the procedure takes place with general anesthesia and takes no more than an hour. The rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, after which the patient can go home. The operation is effective in the treatment of many gynecological diseases that impede fertilization. Practice shows that the probability of pregnancy after laparoscopy in endometriosis or polycystic ovary (PCOS) increases by more than 50%.

The advantage of the procedure is low traumatism and short stay of the patient in the hospital - usually no more than 5-7 days. The operation does not leave scars, and painful sensations after the procedure are minimal. Among the shortcomings, of course, you can note the limited visibility and distortion of perception, because the surgeon can not fully appreciate the depth of penetration. Even with the use of modern equipment that extends the range of vision, laparoscopy requires a first-class doctor qualification.

Laparoscopy in the treatment of infertility

One of the most common causes of infertility is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. When laparoscopy, the doctor evaluates the state of the fallopian tubes, and if necessary removes adhesions that interfere with the movement of the egg. Pregnancy after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes with complete certainty can not be guaranteed, but the effectiveness of the procedure significantly exceeds other methods of treatment.

Also effective laparoscopy in the treatment of ovarian cysts - pregnancy after the procedure is observed in more than 60% of patients. During the examination, the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide, which allows the surgeon to fully assess the condition of the internal organs. When the cyst is removed, after a few days the ovaries completely restore their functions.

Good results laparoscopy shows in the treatment of endometriosis - a disease in which the cells of the inner layer of the uterus grow beyond their normal limits. The procedure is also used in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Laparoscopy allows not only to determine the stage of the disease, but also to remove small myomatous nodes.

The onset of pregnancy after laparoscopy

With successful laparoscopy, pregnancy immediately after surgery is possible. It is worth noting that for normal recovery of internal organs after the procedure requires a rehabilitation period lasting 3-4 weeks, during which it is necessary to exclude sex. Immediately after the operation, the patient feels almost no discomfort, the incisions also heal fairly quickly.

Statistics of pregnancies after laparoscopy show that about 40% of women become pregnant within the first three months, another 20% - within 6-9 months. If pregnancy does not occur on the continuation of the year, laparoscopy can be repeated if necessary.