How correctly to jump on a skipping rope?

The question of how to jump correctly on a rope is usually asked only by those who for some reason did not master this fascinating activity in childhood, when everything is intuitively comprehended, and it is very simple to learn anything.

Classes on the rope: choose a "simulator"

In choosing a rope there are only a few simple recommendations that are important to observe. To jump was convenient:

  1. The length of the rope should suit you perfectly. Stand in the middle of the rope, take the handles in the palm of your hand and approach the body. If the ends of the rope at the level of the armpits - this is an ideal option.
  2. The thickness of the rope should be about 0.8 - 0.9 cm, it should not be too light - it is inconvenient.
  3. Jump rope with a hop counter, or a more sophisticated rope with a calorie counter - perfectly motivates new achievements and home records.

Classes with a rope will be very comfortable and desirable, if you made the right choice.

How much do you need to jump on a rope?

If jumping rope you use for weight loss, it is best to jump two times each day for 15 minutes. If the rope is your way to simply bring the body into tone, you can jump for 5-7 minutes a day in two ways.

How to learn to jump on a rope?

If you do not know how to jump on a rope, we hurry to please you - it's very simple. You can master one of the two main styles:

  1. Jumping on two legs. Take the rope handle in your hands, step over the middle of the rope, leaving it behind you. Now bend your hands in the elbows and toss the rope over. When she is in front of your feet, jump over it. To get up it is necessary only on fingers legs, but not at all the foot! Repeat for 7-15 minutes depending on the goals.
  2. Jumping with a change of legs. Perform jumps similarly, but carry your feet one by one, with each jump jumping from one leg to the other. Here you will also always stand on your toes. To some people this style seems simpler than the previous one, to someone it is more difficult. Try both to figure it out!

That's all training! In how correctly to jump on a skipping rope, there are no difficulties. It is important to learn how to develop the pace: you should get 1.5-2 jumps per second, that is 90-120 jumps per minute or 45-60 jumps in 30 seconds. This is the most optimal pace that will make your body move and work properly, and also effectively burn calories and stored fat deposits.