Infusion in infants - treatment

This skin disease, characterized by a violation of the glands producing sweat, and manifested as a rash, is known to many. If adults with this ailment are very rarely encountered, then in children, sweating is a widespread phenomenon. This is due to the fact that when the birth of sweat glands in the crumbs are still immature. Emitted in large amounts of moisture irritates the skin, and if you add to this the presence of mouth-watering infantile folds, then the reasons for sweating and guessing is not worth it.

In itself, sweating in newborn treatment does not require, but it is necessary to fight it. And this is due not so much to irritation as to the probability of infection by dangerous diseases through damaged skin. Microbes feel great in this environment, multiplying at a rapid pace. The fact that the infection still got into the body, you will prompt such symptoms as fever and the formation of purulent vesicles. But in this case it is not a simple chicken but rather a deep or "red" one, as it is also called. If in the first case, nothing is required other than compliance with hygiene rules, then for treatment of deep sweating the newborn needs special means, starting from creams and powders, finishing with therapeutic ointments.

Methods and methods of treatment

Before you can cure a newborn's chicken, you need to find out the reasons for its appearance. If the kid is constantly in a room where it's too hot, then all efforts will be in vain. Overheating is often the cause of all troubles. This applies to disposable diapers, and clothing crumbs. Do not overheat the baby, wear it properly, ventilate the room more often. Pay special attention to the wardrobe of the baby. All things with which the tender baby skin contacts, should not contain in its composition synthetics and dangerous dyes. Remember, preventing a swab from a newborn is easier than treating it.

And what if the newborn still had a fever, despite all the efforts? One of the most effective methods is bathing. Add to the water a variety of broths and herbal infusions should be done with great care, because allergy can join the potion, which is much more dangerous. In most cases in the bath add decoctions of string, linden, chamomile. Remember, the color of water when adding a decoction should not be saturated. The more, the better - this is not the case. A good effect is given by bathing in a weakly-rozed solution of potassium permanganate. However, two or three such baths a week will be enough, because this substance dries very much the skin. The baby is already dry, and the situation with manganese will worsen.

In rare cases, the above methods of eliminating irritation are ineffective. Parents do not know what to bathe, how to smear wrinkles and treat the skin, and the sweating in the newborn does not pass. In such a situation, special medicines are indispensable. But do not rush to buy widely advertised or recommended by friends means without consulting a pediatrician. Currently, the well-established themselves such funds for the treatment of sweating in newborns, like belanten , Sudokrem, drapolen, Desithin .

Preventive measures

Young parents need to follow the rules for caring for a newborn child. If in time to change disposable diapers, soiled during feeding clothes, daily to bathe the child and not overheat it, then the appearance of sweating can be avoided. An excellent preventive measure is air baths. If the temperature of the air in the house allows, take off all the clothes from the crumbs and let it lie naked for 15-20 minutes.

Health to your children!