Strawberry confiture with gelatin

Strawberry confiture is something between jam and jam and such a preparation is always prepared with gelatin or other gelling additives.

Below we will tell you how to properly weld strawberry confiture with gelatin and offer a recipe for treats with lemon.

How to cook a thick and delicious strawberry confiture at home - a recipe with gelatin



Ideally, if you can select for the preparation of confiture, small ripe berries. We rinse the strawberries under running cold water and free from sepals. After that, we put the berry mass in a suitable vessel for cooking the billet, pouring each layer with sugar, and leave under room conditions to separate the juice for several hours or overnight, covering the container with food film or lid.

Now we soak gelatinous granules in fifty milliliters of boiled and cooled water. After that, we have a vessel with a strawberry mass on the fire, warm it up, stirring, to a boil and stand at a moderate boil for thirty minutes. From time to time, we remove the formed foam from the surface of the workpiece.

Now we introduce swollen gelatinous granules into the strawberry mass, mix it hastily and intensively until they are completely dissolved, warm up a little more, but do not give a boil, and remove it from the plate.

We pour out the ready-made confiture according to the jars, pre- sterilized in any convenient way, closed with lids and placed until it cools down completely under the blanket.

Strawberry Confiture with Lemon



For the preparation of strawberry confiture according to this recipe, we prepare the berries properly, rinsing them with water, combining and ridding them of the tails, and put in a suitable vessel. Now depending on the desired finished texture of confiture, we break the berry mass with a blender in puree or just remember with a few hands to feel the pieces. We fall asleep after this berries sugar, squeeze juice from them with lemon, place the workpiece on fire and heat it, stirring, to a boil. We cook the confiture with barely noticeable boiling for twenty minutes, after which we remove it from the heat and let it stand for about thirty minutes.

During this time we prepare gelatin. Fill it with 50 ml of cold water and leave for half an hour. Now heat gelatinous granules in a microwave or in a water bath until full bloom, then pour into the strawberry. Then we throw lemon zest, stir and set the mass again to warm up on the stove. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, remove the container from the fire and fill the confiture with sterile dry glass containers. We seal the workpiece with boiled lids and set the bottom up until the banks cool completely.