How to freeze green onions for the winter?

Having gathered a generous harvest of fresh greens, do not forget to take care of the replenishment of winter stocks, freezing a part of it. For future use, you can freeze parsley, dill and green onions. About all the details of the workpiece of the last in the freezer, we'll talk further.

How to freeze green onions for winter?

There are several ways to harvest greenery using a freezer. Each of these we will discuss later, but we will start with the most basic - freezing of greenery in its primordial form.

Collect the onion carefully by selecting the most healthy and whole feathers. Select the feathers carefully rinse, and then dry first with a paper towel, and then just in the air, leaving the onion on a napkin for a couple of hours. Thoroughly dried feathers finely cut and folded into a plastic container or bottle. The latter takes far less space in the cell. Well dried onion retains all its useful properties and is easily removed from the container if necessary, without merging into a single lump.

How to freeze green onions and butter in the freezer?

An excellent way to preserve the green in winter can be a simple freeze with butter, and besides the green onions, you can add anything you like, for example, the remains of parsley, basil, cilantro, other herbs and spices.

Take a soft butter and combine it with finely chopped green onion pens. Put the oil on one of the edges of the sheet of foil or food film and roll into sausage. The edges of the film are fixed and store the oil in the freezer until it is needed.

How to freeze green onions for winter in ice form?

The onions can also be ground to a puree state and frozen in ice cubes or silicone molds. It is enough just to mash the green onions with a blender together with a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of water. After freezing, the cubes can be used immediately throwing in hot dishes.

In the same way it is convenient to store sauces based on greenery, for example pesto or chimichurri, whipping with green onion the remaining remaining greens, adding a little butter, lemon juice and hot pepper.

Next, we offer two options, how to use frozen green onions.

Chicken soup

Adding frozen onions to hot soups and gravies is the main way to use it. Onion does not require a preliminary defrost, which is incredibly convenient: throw a handful of frozen feathers in the soup and the smell of spring flies around the house.



Bind the leaves of the laurel and twigs of thyme with a thread. Put the fragrant bouquet on the bottom of the pan with the chicken. Pour the contents of the pan with water so that it covers. Cook the broth from the chicken for 1.5 hours, periodically removing the noise from the surface of the water.

Finish the broth and return it to the stove. Put the rice into it and boil the grain until soft. In the final, throw the chicken and a generous handful of frozen feathers of onions.

Green sauce

After whipping with a blender with vegetables and other herbs, the frozen green onion turns into a fragrant green sauce, which can be immediately served with meat dishes or used for its pre-marinating.



In the bowl of the blender, put the greens with pieces of sweet pepper, onions and garlic teeth. Lovers can also put pepper chili. Whisk until smooth and ready!