Flower fly

Surely everyone knows such pests as schearids, or, as they are called, flower flies. These annoying insects very strongly infect the growers with their presence on pets in vases. Let's find out more about what flower flies can do to damage plants that have settled in pots.

General information

The name of the sworn enemy of colors sounds in Latin as Authomyia Meig. It is necessary to know what the flower fly looks like, so as not to take it for another insect and take timely measures. These small parasites are distinguished by a semicircular head, an elongated abdomen with yellow-black transverse striae. What feeds the flower fly and its larva? Of course, your favorite home plants. The main reason that they appear in flower pots is the excessive moisture of the soil. Therefore, the key factor in preventing the appearance of this parasitic insect is the correct surface composition of the soil. The thing is that these insects lay their eggs in the moist upper layer of the soil. And only then the hatched larvae begin to eat the plant from the roots, thus condemning it to a slow death, if not to take timely measures. Let's talk more about the methods of combating a flower fly, and also learn what to do in order to reduce the probability of its occurrence to a minimum.

How to overcome the flower fly?

The best way to fight is to strike ahead! This rule is applicable in our case. To significantly reduce the chance of a flowerfly appearing on your house plants, make sure that the top layer quickly passes the water deep. To do this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, "dilute" it with a third of fine claydite or vermiculite. If the flowerfly fly larvae are already in the soil, an excellent way to get rid of them as quickly as possible is to cultivate the soil in a pot with a mild solution potassium permanganate. From a small number of insects and larvae that settled on the surface of the plant, a once-a-week treatment with a soap solution will help. If these "arguments" did not affect insects, then it is necessary to move on to "heavy artillery" - insecticides. For this, preparations "Aktara" or "Aktellik" are excellent . Processing with their help not only kills insects, but also makes the plant inedible for a long time.

Do not let this pernicious midwife destroy your plants, act decisively and quickly, because every second, while you hesitate, they all eat, eat and eat ...