A constant feeling of hunger

The emergence of hunger and its quenching occur in the hypothalamus - there is the center of hunger and satiety. When we eat, the blood is filled with hormones, enzymes, chemical elements, into which food breaks down - all this signals the brain of satiety. But if everything was so simple, we would not have problems with a constant sense of hunger.

From what is hunger satisfied?

Scientists have long established that the center of hunger and satiety reacts not only to the changed chemical composition of the blood. He is subject to our sense of satisfaction with food, which we are obliged to experience in order to stop being hungry (for those who have not noticed - the answer why many people suffer from hunger on the diet).

Both hunger and saturation are on the verge of physiology and psychology.

There are dangerous and innocent changes in the body, a disease, the signal of which is the constant feeling of hunger.

Hyperrexia in various diseases

Hyperrexia is a condition in which a person experiences hunger, despite the fact that his body is full of nutrients. This condition often occurs in patients with ulcers, gastritis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and all because a sense of satisfaction on a fresh medical diet or starvation with injections of solutions of nutrients does not arise.

Common causes

In principle, in most cases, it is possible to give a simple and obvious answer to the question of why the constant feeling of hunger suffers. It is enough only to look at your way of life and its features:

  1. Wrong food - you seem to be eating, and even a lot, but the body asks again and again in the hope that they will give him exactly the product that is so lacking. Your body is experiencing a deficit of some important substance, to determine it you just need to pass a detailed blood test, and make your diet balanced.
  2. Mental labor - with heavy, intense mental labor, the body does not experience a shortage of food, it is felt only by the brain, which needs carbohydrates. In that case, it is useless to eat chicken or take protein - give yourself what you are asked for. Stop your choice on starchy carbohydrates - jelly, rice, whole-grain bread, nuts, beans, corn.
  3. Physical exercise - do not be surprised that people who lead an active lifestyle need large food resources. First of all, proteins and carbohydrates (let low-calorie) - chicken, fish, porridges, will satisfy the hunger after physical activity.
  4. Thirst - when we feel thirsty, we think that we want to eat. Thirst, quenched by eating, is often the cause of excess weight. Before you go on about hunger, drink a glass of water - maybe it will carry it.
  5. Hormones - in the human body, hormones rule the ball. The level of hormones also affects the feeling of hunger (if you are experiencing a suspicious "animal" hunger - check for the content of hormones). It can be hormones of the thyroid gland, pancreas, and also sex hormones. In addition, bouts of hunger during menstruation are not an anomaly.

How to get rid of hunger?

Of course, if it is a violation of the hormonal background, diseases (for example, bulimia, diabetes), the only way to get rid of hunger is to deal with the disease.

Well, if the question of how to get rid of the constant feeling of hunger is easier and your problems are, fortunately, easily solvable, suggest studying the list of recommendations: