The influence of society on the individual

Modern society is a structurally complex and at the same time, striving for a single, global standard of values, a mechanism that has been influenced by the heritage of different cultures and traditions. As you know, any macrosystem consists of many micro-components, and the society is not an exception. Each one of his representatives, one way or another, contributes to the development of the whole "organism" as a whole, but in nature the feedback law always acts and, in turn, the influence of society on the formation of each person's personality is no less important and is, whether not the most important and fundamental factor of it.

Where does it come from?

Any person from the moment of his birth falls into a certain social environment, where his own role is played by inherent traditions, customs, as well as religious and cultural values. The family, the inner circle and, finally, the generally accepted canons on which the world that we associate starts, as soon as we enter into a conscious age, how from plasticine we mold from us what will later become our main essence and determine that spiritual and moral vector, focusing on which, we will build our future life.

Thus, the influence of society on the formation of the personality is enormous and it is by no means impossible to belittle its significance at this level. But in the future, it does not stop. We constantly look at the generally accepted rules of life when choosing one or another option for interaction with others and try to give an objective assessment of their behavior according to these norms. So the influence of society on the person's personality continues to the end of his days. The society can execute, and can coronate. He hangs labels, according to which our status and place in the hierarchy of similar ones are determined. All this affects the strengths and weaknesses of our personality, makes us develop the ability to adapt to the situation, depending on the circumstances.

Believe or understand?

But the influence of society on personal development is not only this. The confusion of different cultural ideologies or their forced change (for example, moving to another country) can lead to the formation in the individual taken of a sense of entanglement and a breakdown in the mind of the individual the process of revaluation of values, which in turn, is fraught with various negative consequences for the psychological state of a person.

The environment around us usually clearly identifies where the black, and where white, but between these two colors in life, as is known, there are many more shades and despite the indisputable influence of society on the person, very much in its formation and further development depends on the degree of self-improvement man and his desire for a state of inner harmony and integrity, as well as for a compromise interaction with the surrounding social environment.