Pickle for cucumbers

Without this roll-up, you can not prepare a pickle, nor a hodgepodge, nor a festive "Olivier", nor many other dishes. Yes, and just on a day off, when you so want to drink a glass of iced vodka, it's hard to imagine a table without a lightly salted cucumber.

Salt or marinate?

In principle, it's a matter of taste - someone likes salted, cucumbers in a tub or barrel, someone will prefer sweet and sour marinated. As for the usefulness, then the pickles overtake the marinades, because they do not contain vinegar, and therefore, they can be much more people.

We reserve "delicious" supplements: dill - umbrellas or seeds, horseradish leaves, cherry and currant twigs (preferably black), celery (greens or petioles) or lovage, laurel, peas of peppers of different varieties and garlic are needed.

If you need to quickly

Brine for cucumbers can be prepared in dozens of ways. If a snack is needed urgently, an easy and very quick method will help.



A quick brine recipe for cucumbers is just about half an hour's cooking time, a couple of hours on the prosalt, and a snack can be served. Take the cucumbers, mine, cut slices about 1 cm thick. Put the horseradish leaves, cherry and currant twigs, laurel leaves on the bottom of the plastic container. Cucumbers mixed with crushed garlic and poured into a container. From a half-liter of water, salt, pepper, cloves and dill seeds boil brine. Fill with hot brine cucumbers and wait until it cools down. This recipe produces a spicy, delicious pickle for cucumbers, which you can season with soup when the cucumbers are eaten.

We roll up

Pickle for cucumbers for the winter is prepared differently. There is no hurry here, you can make a magnificent sunset, but you need more ingredients, give a recipe for 5 kg of cucumbers.



All ingredients except salt and water are divided into 2 parts. At the bottom of a pot of the right container or other utensils, in which we usually salt cucumbers, lay half the leaves and twigs. Next, put half of the washed cucumbers, mixing them with peeled garlic (you can put the slices whole, and you can cut into large pieces), dill umbrellas, ringlets of chili, slices of sweet pepper, ringlets of peeled and chopped onion. Add the pepper, cloves and celery. Repeat the layers. In cold water we dissolve salt - a strong pickle must be obtained, in which a fresh egg will float. As you can see, it is possible to make a pickle for cucumbers without boiling. Pour cucumbers, cover and wait for a week. Then you can roll up or just move to the basement.

Marinate or not pickle?



It is also easy to prepare pickle for pickled cucumbers. We take the same ingredients, cucumbers, greens and spices are laid out on cans. Cook the marinade - reduce the amount of salt by half, add it to boiling water and boil for about 2 minutes. Pickle for marinated cucumbers is cooked with vinegar. Mix all the ingredients and bring to a boil. With a hot marinade, pour cucumbers and leave for a couple of days, after which you can cut the herring and put vodka in the freezer.