Jellied fish

The jellied fish is a dish that we inherited from Soviet times and, despite this, remains quite popular, to this day. Jellied fish has a pleasant appearance, it is easy to prepare and serve as a cold snack.

How to prepare a classic jellied fish and some of its interpretations, we will tell in this article.

Jellied pie with fish

A jellied pie is a low-calorie dish, which, rather, is suitable for everyday work, rather than for a festive table.



We clean fish, gut, season and fry in a pan. Kefir, flour and egg mix until a homogeneous dough is formed. Add spices and crushed herbs to the dough. Separate the fish from the bones and send the pieces of fillet into the dough. At this stage, a little fried onions can be added to the cake.

Pour the dough into a heat resistant mold, greased with vegetable oil, and send the cake to bake at 200 degrees to form a crusty crust.

The jellied pie can also be prepared with canned fish, for this, with canned food you need to drain excess liquid and separate the flesh from the bones.

The recipe for jellied fish

Classical jellied fish is a piece of fillet with vegetables, covered with a thin layer of broth containing gelatin. The presence of gelatin is due to the fact that in fish bones, in contrast to beef, contains little collagen, and without additives fish broth from this will not be gelled.

Pouring can be prepared from white, or red fish. In this recipe, we will focus on the second option.



Before cooking the fish, the salmon must be gutted, washed and cut into thick steaks. Fill steaks with water to cover for 2-3 cm, and put on fire. In the pan, in addition to fish, a standard bouillon set is sent in the form of onions and carrots. All the contents of the pan is brought to a boil and cook for 25 minutes, salt and pepper.

Finished pieces of salmon put on a plate, let it cool down and cut into smaller pieces. Onions and carrots will no longer be useful to us. In half a liter of broth we brew gelatin (the quantity is measured according to the instructions on the package).

At the bottom of the serving dishes lay boiled shrimp and peas, thin slices of lemon and pieces of salmon. Fill the fish with a small amount of broth and leave in the refrigerator to freeze.

Jellied fish in multivark

Jellied to cook simply, but to simplify the dish to the level at which it can cook and the child is still possible, for this it is worth using the multivark.

We will prepare the fish stuffing with gelatin in this recipe on the basis of pike perch, but you can choose any fish you like.



My fish, clean and separate the fillets from the bones. In the multivarka pour water, lay fish bones, peeled carrots and onions, a few peas of pepper. We set the "Soup" mode and cook the broth for 25 minutes.

Gelatin (quantity according to the instructions) is poured in cool water and leave to swell.

Separate the fillet of pike perch from the bones, lay out on a bowl for steaming, cook 20 minutes in the "Soup" mode.

The swelled gelatin is mixed with the broth and sent to the multivarka, after cooking the fish, for 7-10 minutes in the heating mode, after which it can be added with vodka and filtered.

Slices of pike perch, thin slices of lemon and a little greens are put into shapes and poured with broth. Preparation of pour from the pike perch takes 3-4 hours in the refrigerator until the gelatin is completely solidified.