Salt and soda for weight loss

Negligent attitude to food, not the most rosy ecology, stress, antibiotics, illness, bad habits - all this, one way or another, affects our intestines, and then, on the overall health and appearance. Some doctors advise their patients to do cleansing procedures, others believe that it is harmful to take away his bread from the intestine, he must figure it out - if doctors can not reach a compromise, then we will have to focus on our own state of health - before and after cleansing.

Including, purification is a means of emergency weight loss. This means that on the scales and in the volume you will really lose weight, but only due to the fact that your intestines get rid of several kilograms of feces. For cleansing weight loss is most often used salt and soda.

Enema for cleansing of the intestine

The easiest way to cleanse the intestines is an enema . There are many different variants of enemas - there are alkaline and acidic, based on juices, honey, soda and salt.

We will consider cleaning the intestines with soda and salt. To do this, in 2 liters of water, add 20-30 g of table salt and 15-20 g of baking soda. This enema is used to create an alkaline environment in an excessively acidic environment of the intestine. With normal gastric acidity, you can alternate an alkaline enema from soda and salt with an acid enema made of water, citrus juice and salt. When applying both recipes, one should be careful with the skin of the perineum - salt corrodes it and this can cause burning, pain, redness, ulcers. After such an enema, it is necessary to wash it with water, wipe it with a soft towel and apply moisturizing cream.

The danger of this method of losing weight with soda and salt is that your bowel can so like an enema that he will not long to cope with his work himself.

Slimming with salt and soda in a bath

But sea salt and baking soda for weight loss are not only internally, but also externally. We have in mind a bath with soda and salt, during which the work of the lymphatic system improves, blood circulation normalizes, you get rid of edema and cellulite, and accordingly, become thinner and more elegant.

Using sea salt with soda for weight loss, you get rid of toxins and toxins that accumulated in the subcutaneous fat and intercellular fluid for many years, and all because the body would be clogged.

In addition, both soda and sea ​​salt make your skin velvety and well-groomed. After taking such a bath, do not dry yourself dry - pat the body with a towel and lie down for another 30 minutes until the skin itself dries.