Camellia - home care

A gentle and very effective plant belongs to the family of tea. It is an evergreen shrub that can be grown at home in flowerpots. Beautiful glossy leaves and a variety of shades of buds decorate any window.

Camellia: planting and care

At home, keeping a camellia is easy, it will please the eye with its flowering, if you observe several simple rules. Consider how to care for a camellia.

  1. Lighting . Choose shaded or semi-shadowed places. It is especially important to hide the plant from direct sun exposure in the first year after disembarkation. Later, content is allowed in a place with bright lighting. A camellia flower at home will grow well on windows that look west or east. In the summer, you can put pots on the balcony, but to cover them from direct sunlight.
  2. Temperature . Optimum temperature is within 25 ° C in the spring and summer periods, in winter it should be within 20 ° C.
  3. Humidity . Camellia home is very affected during the heating season because of too dry air. You can correct the situation with a pallet with claydite or moss sphagnum . In the summer, spray flowers from the sprayer from time to time.
  4. Watering . One of the important items for caring for camellia at home is the correct watering regime. During budding and flowering, it should be abundant. Water should not contain lime. As soon as the top layer of the soil has dried, the next watering time comes. In winter, you should switch to a moderate regime, so that the soil is sour.
  5. Top dressing . During an active growth in caring for a camellia at home, it is necessary to feed the flower once or twice a month.

How to plant a camellia?

Camellia planting is relatively simple, but requires preparation. The soil must be acidic, moist and with a small amount of humus. The land itself must be moisture-permeable, so that the roots do not start to rot.

During planting, never deepen the plant too much. Pay attention: the root neck should be located one level with the soil. Avoid calcareous soils and solonchak. If you do not want to buy a special land in a flower shop, then look for forest soil from under coniferous trees or heather bushes.

If, when breeding a camellia flower at home, you notice that the plant has dropped buds, this is a sign of excess calcium in the soil. When the acidity is too high in the earth, the foliage acquires a yellow tinge.

How does the camellia multiply?

As a rule, propagation is carried out by cuttings or seed method. If you use cuttings, then in a couple of years you will get adult flowering plants. For these purposes, we choose semi-mature shoots. We start work from the second decade of May to the beginning of June.

It is during this period that the shoot you want will become brown and will be suitable for propagation. Pay attention to the growth bud, it should be well developed. If you find such an escape, then the process of rooting will be quick and uncomplicated. Plant the billets in well-fertilized soil. Across four months of cuttings should take root. The temperatures of the air and the soil itself should be at 23 ° C. Watch the moisture of the soil and do not let the temperature rise, otherwise they will go to the growth of the kidney, and the roots will not have time to develop.

When growing camellia from seeds, the plant will bloom only after five to eight years. Ripe seeds in September-October immediately planted. For germination, it is necessary to provide partial shading, soil from peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1, a sufficiently high temperature of about 22 ° C. Planting and caring for the camellia from the seeds are more complex, but in the future the seedlings will be resistant to diseases and external factors.