
For the first time, the world learned about sadism from the works of the French writer Marquis de Sade (his name and received this phenomenon), and in scientific terms this term appeared in the monograph of Kraft-Ebing, published in 1886. In the broadest sense of the word, sadism means a tendency to violent acts and to get pleasure from the torment of others. But the phenomenon also has varieties related to various spheres of life. This includes psychological sadism, sadism over animals, sexual sadism.

Childish sadism

Strangely enough, the signs of sadism can manifest themselves in a deep childhood. It is believed that most of all this phenomenon is exposed to boys, because of the so-called "castration complex". Because of the fear of losing his physiological advantage, the boy has an aggression, expressed in the desire to break something, to destroy. Gradually, this fear passes, and with it aggression. But if the child is humiliated, especially by the father, then the fear of losing masculinity is fixed in the mind. And if the child is closed in character, then the school years are in great risk to get the already formed personality of the sadist. Also, sadistic inclinations can develop due to lack of attention of parents, but one should not miss the possibility of mental illness, the symptom of which may be sadism.

But the presence of sadistic inclinations in childhood does not mean that the child will grow up a criminal. Sadism can be latent, that is, not to manifest itself until a certain hour (for example, during hostilities). Some people manage to direct this antisocial attraction in another direction - many well-known surgeons have tortured animals in their childhood.

Sexual sadism

This kind of sadism is a form of sexual behavior, in which a person is satisfied by causing suffering to a sexual partner. According to statistics, female sexual sadism is observed in 2% of ladies and 5% of men. But ladies prefer more psychological sadism, while men like physical bullying more. This behavior can be directed to:

There are several varieties of sexual sadism:

  1. Imaginary - a person does not realize his sadistic fantasies, they remain in the field of imagination.
  2. Passive. In this case, the sadist deliberately prevents the sexual satisfaction of his partner, deliberately avoiding the actions that cause her the greatest pleasure.
  3. Aggressive. This includes various types of humiliation from mental abuse to causing bodily harm. This kind of sadism is the most cruel, since it can go to killing for sexual pleasure.

Psychological sadism

This kind of sadism in psychology is also called moral or psi-sadism. In this case, the victim is subjected to moral and moral suffering in the form of insults, humiliations, threats, etc. Calculating such a person at first sight is not easy, because he can hide his inclinations for a long time. They will show up later, when the level of trust will be maximized, and bullying will bring great sacrifice to the victim.

The causes of sadism and its treatment

In the emergence of sadistic inclinations can be blamed for a variety of factors, the most common of which are the following.

  1. Systematic educational errors.
  2. Erotic fantasies arising from the impact of cinematographic products.
  3. Awareness of own inferiority to others.
  4. Emotional and sexual failures, neglect on the part of other people, in particular from the people of the opposite sex.
  5. Asocial features of a person's character, personality or psyche.
  6. Mental diseases.

At the moment there are no specific ways to treat sadism, since it covers all aspects of the human personality. Currently, the methods of dynamic and training psychotherapy are common. In case of dangerous cases, anti-androgenic drugs are prescribed, which reduce the attraction and limit the sadistic manifestations. In any case, treatment is lengthy, complicated by the fact that patients often do not feel necessary.