Risotto with seafood in a multivark

The secret of cooking risotto is the constant stirring of rice, during the portionwise addition of broth. Starch, extracted during the cooking of rice grains becomes viscous, and rice itself is creamy. In the multivarquet, this technique will not be repeated to the smallest detail, on that and the taste of the dish, and its texture, will be different.

There is a huge variety of risotto recipes and today we will focus on one of them.

Recipe for cooking risotto with seafood in a multivark



Before preparing a risotto with seafood in a multivark, we will need to tackle the seafood itself. Mussel should be cleaned of "barks", squids - from the insides and covering the carcase of the film. Carcases of squid should be cut into large rings.

In the preheated cup of the multivarka mix olive and vegetable oil, fry on it first onion with garlic to transparency, using the "Frying" mode, or "Baking". Add the saffron and rice to the fried onions, stir and continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes. Mix fish broth with wine and divide the liquid into 5 equal portions. Fill the first portion of broth in the bowl of the multivark, cover the device with a lid and turn on the "Plov" mode. Cook the rice until the moisture is completely evaporated, stirring once.

Repeat the procedure with all subsequent portions of the liquid, trying as much as possible to stir rice. In the middle of the cooking, add the tomato paste. With the last portion of the broth, add seafood and mix well. After a couple of minutes, fill the dish with grated cheese, mix thoroughly and serve, sprinkling with parsley.

Risotto with shrimps in a multivark



In the cup of the multivarka we heat the oil and fry onions with garlic. Once the onion has become transparent, add tomatoes to it and wait until they turn into mashed potatoes. In a tomato sauce we fall asleep rice and we mix. We cook rice for a couple of minutes ("Plov"), then pour it into wine in two sets, each only after the previous one is evaporated. The same is repeated with the broth, adding seafood. Risotto with seafood and white wine in the multivarka is served with greens and lemon.