Adjika with ketchup chili

Home adzhika will make the taste of any meat dish brighter, and also it will be an excellent addition to a slice of bread or toast . In the recipes below, we will tell you how to make ajika with ketchup chili.

How to Cook Adjika with Ketchup Chili for Winter - Recipe



To preserve the adzhiki from tomato with ketchup chili and apples, we will initially prepare all the components necessary for billets. Ripe, fresh tomatoes are rinsed, dried and cut into several lobules, while cutting out the stems. We remove the washed Bulgarian peppers from the seed boxes and remove the stems, and cut the flesh into several parts. We clean carrots, apples and bulbs and also divide into segments. Now we disassemble the garlic heads for the teeth, which in turn are peeled off the husk.

All the prepared ingredients for Adzhika must be passed through a meat grinder or alternately milled in a blender. Place the vegetable mass in an enameled pan and place it on the hot plate of the plate. Warm up the contents to a boil, pour in vegetable oil and boil adjika for an hour and a half with frequent stirring. In conclusion, we add ketchup chili, salt to taste, heat the workpiece, let it pour for a couple of minutes, then pack it in pre-sterilized jars. We seal the lids immediately, tightly, turn the containers on them, wrap them up and leave them for gradual cooling and natural sterilization.

Adjika with ketchup chili without tomato - recipe



Adjika with ketchup chili can be cooked and without a tomato. To do this, take the Bulgarian sweet peppers of a saturated red color, clean them and cut them into slices. In the same manner, we prepare the chili peppers. We also get rid of the husks of garlic teeth and put all the ingredients in the blender's capacity. It remains only to grind vegetables with the addition of parsley, salt, Georgian seasoning and tomato paste and mix the resulting puree with chili ketchup. We shift the adzhika into a jar, cover it with a lid and store it on the shelf of the refrigerator.