How to get rid of a nervous tic?

If a stranger suddenly starts to wink at you, it does not always mean that he is flirting with you. It is possible that he simply can not contain the involuntary twitching of the century - a nervous tic.

Also, a nervous tic can manifest itself as involuntary frequent contraction of the facial, nasal muscles or muscles of the mouth. However, the most common is the eye tick.

The nervous tic of the eye in an adult is not a disease, but rather a warning symptom to its formation, or a signal about already existing malfunctions in the body - both physical and mental. In order to understand how to treat the nervous tic of the eye, you first need to understand the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of a nervous tic

Sudden uncontrolled twitching of the eye muscles occurs due to erroneous commands in the brain regions responsible for the normal regulation of muscle tone. This can be caused by the following reasons:

How to cure a nervous tic of the eye?

If the nervous tic of the eye does not appear often, then, most likely, the reasons that caused it are completely eliminated. If you can connect this phenomenon with a recent psychological trauma or overwork, then it's not difficult for you to guess how to deal with a nervous tic.

Of course, first of all, you should take care of your psychological state - get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. The best fit for this are meditations, sports, outdoor activities, methods of auto-suggestion. If you can not solve your problems on your own, you may need to consult a psychologist. Positive effect will also have sedative and anticonvulsant drugs prescribed by a doctor.

With a nervous tic, associated with overwork, the best medicine will be a full-fledged sleep. During sleep, all muscles relax, the nervous system returns to normal. During working hours, it is important to devote enough time to breaks, during which you can completely relax.

To remove tension from the eyes, you can use a simple exercise: tighten your eyes several times, maximally straining your eyelids, and then just sit for a minute with your eyes closed.

The lack of magnesium should be compensated for by taking medications containing magnesium and calcium. Diet is also recommended with increasing the products containing these elements, as well as fruits, vegetables, seafood. The use of strong tea and coffee should be excluded. Usually for one to two days such nervous tics pass by themselves. But if it lasts for a week or more, you should definitely contact a neurologist. After diagnosing and identifying the cause, he can determine how to get rid of a nervous tic.

Treatment of a nervous tic folk remedies

  1. Remove fatigue from the eyes that led to the tick, you can use lotions of strong tea or infusion of chamomile flowers.
  2. An effective remedy for a nervous tic against the background of psychic experiences is a soothing infusion. It can be prepared according to one of the following recipes:
  • A good effect will have aromatherapy in any form with the use of essential oils that have a sedative effect (lavender, geranium, cinnamon, ylang ylang , etc.).