How to take Oscillococcinum?

Otsilokoktsinum is an antihyphoid homeopathic remedy that is used to prevent and treat ARVI and influenza. The drug is a white granule, odorless, easily soluble in water. In spite of the fact that Ocilococcinum has only one contraindication - it is an individual intolerance, it is still recommended only when prescribed by a doctor. This is because the medicine can cause allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in different forms. In order that this does not happen, you need to know how to properly take Oscillococcinum.

How to take Oscillococcinum for prevention?

As a rule, preventive drugs are used during the spread of ARVI or influenza , that is, when respiratory infections of the respiratory tract are created the most favorable conditions - cold, moisture and reduced immunity due to the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet. Therefore, during the exacerbation of infection, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis.

Oscillococcinum for prophylactic purposes should take one dose, that is, one gram of the drug every seven days. Because of the strong effect of the drug, the dose increases only in cases when the first signs of acute respiratory viral infection appeared:

How long and in what quantities can Ocillococcinum be taken?

The drug has a strong effect on the body, so before the start of the course is to find out how many days you can take Oscilococcinum. The optimal period of treatment is three days.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on how quickly after taking the first signs of the disease, take an antiviral drug. Therefore, as soon as the patient notices even minor symptoms of the disease, you should immediately drink one dose of Otsilokoktsinuma, and after 6 and 12 hours to repeat the reception. For better absorption of the drug into the walls of the stomach and rapid entry into the blood, it is recommended to dissolve one dose of the drug in 50-100 warm, purified water and drink volley.

If improvement after taking the drug does not occur after three days, then it is necessary to inform the doctor, under whose supervision you are, about it. Most likely, the drug will have to be replaced. If after three days there were only subtle improvements in the form of the disappearance of certain symptoms, continue treatment with Oscillococcinum is also not worth it. This can lead to an overdose and the development of an allergic reaction , which can manifest itself in an extremely complicated form.