Guillaume II Square

The main square in the city ​​of Luxembourg and the busiest place is the square of Guillaume II, its visit is always one of the points of any excursion. Even if you stroll through the ancient streets yourself, the area is simply impossible to miss.

What's in a name?

The square was named in honor of the ruling dynasty of the Dukes, but the townspeople often refer to it as Knudeler, which means with the Luxembourg "de Knued" - a knot, i.e. knots on the belt of Franciscan monks. And the whole point is that the square is organized in the same place, where in the XIX century there was the abbey of Franciscans.

What to see?

Closer to the eastern part of the square stands the monument to Wilhelm II - the duke on horseback - the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and the King of the Netherlands. Near the monument there is a small market where you can buy small handmade souvenirs or, for example, fresh strawberries from local households.

On the south side of the Guillaume II square, in 1830, the city ​​hall was built in classical style, where the city authorities still work. Near it flaunts a monument in the form of a figurine of a fox and a fountain. He was placed in memory of the writer and poet Michel Rodange (Michel Rodange), whose pen belongs to the famous "novel about the Fox."

Near the square is the residence of the Duke - the palace of the XVI century, interesting is the fact that he is guarded by only one guardsman. The entrance to the square is located on the side of Rue de Fosse.

In the Guillaume II square, the authorities hold all city festivities and parades, and every Saturday a flower fair and a farmers' market opens.

How to get to Guillaume II?

If you travel by car, then without any problems, you will get to the coordinates, on foot tourists any kind of transport will take you to the stop Luxembourg-Royal Quai2, from which a couple of steps and the area is located.