How to get rid of cellulite on your legs quickly and easily?

In summer it is convenient to walk in shorts and light dresses, but many women hesitate to wear them because of the "orange crust". Cellulite (lipodystrophy) more often affects the hips, but is sometimes present on the calves. It is difficult to get rid of this cosmetic defect, only intensive complex therapy will help.

Why does cellulite appear on my legs?

This problem is considered normal in a sexually mature woman. Lipodystrophy is the result of hormonal fluctuations in the body and heredity, so cellulite on thin legs occurs as often as on full-body. If you do not treat the "orange crust" in the early stages, it will progress and become more visible. Heavy forms of pathology are regarded by doctors as a disease. The causes of cellulitis on the legs, accompanied by the formation of painful nodules, have not yet been clarified. Factors that presumably provoke lipodystrophy:

How to remove cellulite on the legs?

To restore the elasticity of the skin and make it smooth, completely get rid of the "orange" crust, requires a comprehensive approach. Cellulite on the legs will not disappear from the advertised cream or popular wraps. To normalize the lymph flow and blood circulation, it is necessary to simultaneously adjust the weight, speed up the metabolism and increase muscle tone. Recommendations on how to quickly remove cellulite on the legs:

  1. Create a balanced diet.
  2. Regularly do a special massage.
  3. Perform cosmetic procedures aimed at improving the skin condition.
  4. Do sport.

Diet from cellulite on the legs

Splitting of adipose tissue occurs due to the intake of "long" carbohydrates and proteins into the body. Among the tips on how to get rid of cellulite on your legs, the main point is to compile a healthy menu. It is important to consistently adhere to the right diet, and not to follow an express diet or starve. Nutrition for cellulite suggests a normal number of calories, corresponding to the energy expenditure. Only the harmful products will have to refuse:

Preference should be given to food rich in vitamins, complex carbohydrates and proteins. The most useful products that help get rid of lipodystrophy:

Massage from cellulite on the legs

For the most rapid effect, it is advisable to visit a specialist in manual therapy systematically. If this service is not available, you can massage your feet from cellulite at home. A simple option - regularly rub the problem areas with a stiff brush or washcloth, taking a shower. During such manipulations, avoid zones in the groin and back of the knees. In these areas, there are many lymph nodes that can be inflamed by the procedure.

A more advanced way to eliminate the "orange peel" - massage from cellulite on the legs with cans of glass or silicone. They create a vacuum, sucking the skin inside and activating the metabolic processes. To use such devices is very easy, you need to lubricate the treated areas with any cosmetic oil and drive the can from the bottom up: from the ankles to the knees and further to the femurs. The described massage also can not be done in places of accumulation of lymph nodes.

Wraps from cellulite on the legs

This method of therapy serves as an auxiliary manipulation necessary to improve the appearance of the skin. Wraps are not included in the list of effective ways how to quickly get rid of cellulite on the legs. Such procedures only work on the epidermis, not penetrating the internal fat layer. After the session, it seems like a reduction in the hips, but this is temporary. Due to the greenhouse effect, moisture is removed from the upper layers of skin, after a few hours it returns.

Here's how to get rid of cellulite on your legs with wrapping:

  1. Mix honey with essential oils of any citrus (mandarin, lemon, orange) at the rate of 2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. spoon the product.
  2. Spread the composition of the foot, wrap it with several layers of food film.
  3. Lie under the blanket for 20-35 minutes.
  4. Wash the skin.
  5. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Scrub from cellulite

Peeling is also considered an auxiliary in the treatment of lipodystrophy. Manipulation with a scrub improves blood circulation and the state of the epidermis, but the splitting of fat does not contribute. Comprehensive anti-cellulite treatment includes regular use of scrubs. One of the most popular and simple options is ground coffee, you can use it after brewing. The soup is added portionwise to the shower gel, this mixture needs to massage the areas with an orange peel well.

Masks from cellulite on the legs

The effect of the cosmetic agents in question is similar to the effects of wraps and peeling. Masks will not help to remove the symptoms of lipodystrophy, especially if there is cellulite on the calves of the legs and the tubercles are noticeable without squeezing the skin. These procedures must necessarily be combined with massage, diet and gymnastics. Recommended by dermatologists how to get rid of cellulite on the legs, provides a course of clay masks:

  1. Preheat and peel the skin.
  2. Blend the blue clay with warm water until the cream is thick.
  3. Lubricate the area affected by the "orange peel".
  4. Leave the remedy for 15-20 minutes, it can be wrapped with a film.
  5. Wash the composition.

Folk remedies for cellulite on legs

In alternative medicine, there are many recipes for external drugs - masks, lotions and compresses. Such mixtures act only on the upper layers of the epidermis, so it is better to use systemic methods how to deal with cellulite on the legs. Natural decoctions and a tincture for internal reception help to speed up a metabolism, to improve blood circulation and outflow of a lymph.

Effective remedy for cellulite on the legs


Preparation, use:

  1. Pour vegetable raw materials with boiling water.
  2. Cool, drain solution.
  3. Take 4 times a day (on an empty stomach) 2 tbsp. spoons of the drink, adding honey.
  4. To be treated by 2-week courses with similar interruptions.

Exercises against cellulite on the legs

Physical activity helps to burn fat deposits and strengthen the muscle corset, so that the "orange peel" is smoothed. If you perform exercises from cellulite on the legs in parallel with the massage, a positive result will appear much faster. In combination with cosmetic procedures (peeling, wrapping , masks), you can achieve increased elasticity and turgor of the skin.

How to get rid of cellulite on the pope and legs:

  1. Stand on all fours. Alternately take the bent leg to the side. Repeat 15 times for each limb.
  2. The position is identical. To lift up a straight leg. Repeat 20 times for each side.
  3. Sitting on the floor, straighten one leg. Maximize it forwards and backwards. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Raise the torso with an emphasis on the heel. Pull up the bent leg, straighten, lower back. Repeat for each limb 20 times.
  5. Roll over on your stomach, bend your legs, lift your feet up. Every 5 seconds, lift the hips, lingering in this position. Repeat 15 times.

Running from cellulite on the legs

If you carefully consider the photos of professional athletes, they also can see an "orange crust". On the question of whether running from cellulite on legs helps, experts respond positively, but with one caveat. Regular sessions contribute to the acceleration of metabolism , the breakdown of fat deposits and increase the elasticity of the skin. This provides a reduction in the severity of lipodystrophy, but does not completely eliminate it.

An effective plan involves training three times a week (in the morning or in the evening):

  1. On the first day, jogging for 5-10 minutes.
  2. The next lesson - 10-12 minutes, you can alternate running with walking.
  3. During the third training, jogging all 12 minutes.
  4. From the second week, increase the training time to 15 minutes.
  5. Starting from 7-8 approaches, each time to run longer for 1-2 minutes, trying to keep a constant pace or speeding up. Walking is allowed only at the beginning and end of the workout.