
Whatever it was, but every person is afraid of something. Few can boast of a lack of fear. Someone does not ride in elevators, but prefers to walk, and someone panically fears airplanes. Aerophobia - this will be discussed today.

What are we dealing with?

Aerophobia is a fear of flying on flying machines. Fear of flying is given more attention than to other fears due to the frequent need for flights on airplanes, especially in professional activities. On average, aerophobia appears after 25 years.

Such fear can act as an independent psychological disorder, and can also be part of another phobia, such as fear of heights or claustrophobia. The disorder can arise due to the passenger getting into an unpleasant situation in the past, connected with the flight. Aerophobia, as a rule, develops in anxious and suspicious people. For strong and established people, this trend is associated with a fear of losing control over the situation. The problem is to entrust other people their lives and misunderstandings of systems that ensure flight safety, so it also has a place to be.

The main symptom of fear of flying is nervousness. A few days before your trip a person can refuse to fly and hand over tickets. On board the aircraft, a person faces such problems as frequent, inconsistent breathing, increased palpitations, sweating, and the need for alcohol as a means of comfort. Constant analysis of the sounds and behavior of the crew, the imagination of an air crash and the building of horror.

Get rid of fear

What is aerophobia, we found out, it remains to learn how to deal with it. To begin with, you need to understand that fear for one's life is, as a rule, the basis of all phobias. We are afraid for our health and well-being, therefore it is not necessary to divide fears into categories, be it man-caused or other kinds of fears.

People are afraid to fly on airplanes, because they are afraid to suffer a plane crash and say goodbye to life. However, who said this must necessarily happen? Why is a person not afraid of dying from falling a brick on his head or from a chronic illness? The fact is that we like to add tragedy. Our imagination prefers to draw more "colorful" pictures. A brick on his head - it's, sorry, not impressive. And if death, then either surrounded by the crowd, or in proud solitude, but under terrible circumstances, so that the tragedy is bigger, so that it's artistic ...

In order to somehow overcome, overcome, get rid of aerophobia, you need to admit to yourself that you are afraid of the picture of a possible crash of an airplane, "impressive" and touches to the depths of your soul. Harm to health can cause anything. Death, sadly, does not ask and warn you about your offensive. In this case, it is worthwhile to be afraid of everything and always. But if this does not happen, then the fear of flight is stupid, meaningless and unreasonable.

The treatment of aerophobia with the involvement of specialists consists in training the skills of relaxation and control over oneself, one's own condition. A man needs to undergo a considerable number of take-offs and landings under the supervision of an experienced psychologist. At the same time, he trains relaxation skills until the brain starts associating the flight with relaxation, and not with panic. It is important to remember that fear can and should be controlled. Psychologists offer a few simple tricks that will facilitate the flight:

Do not go on about your fears and easy flights to you.