"Khrustiki" on vodka - the recipe

"Khrustiki" or "brushwood" is a recipe familiar to many of us from the very childhood. The dish has gained popularity due to its simplicity and cheapness: a whole mountain of delicacies could be made from a standard set of flour, eggs and sugar, and if there was vodka in the house, the cookies became more golden and crispy after roasting - hence the name.

"Khrustiki" on vodka



In a bowl, beat the egg with a pinch of salt. Add a little vodka to the egg and start pouring the previously sieved flour. The flour is not poured all over, leaving literally a tablespoon for rolling. The finished dough should not be steep, but slightly sticky. As soon as it comes together, we wrap the comer with food film and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, the gluten in the test will dissolve and it will stop sticking to your hands.

We spray the remaining flour with a working surface and roll the dough into a thin layer on it. We cut the dough into 3-3.5 cm wide ribbons, dividing each of these bands into pieces of equal length and cutting a small vertical hole in the center. We pass one of the ends of the tape through the hole. Now warm up the vegetable oil and deep-fry the treat to a golden color. Delicious "hrustiki" on vodka traditionally served with powdered sugar, but you can do more original and prepare for a dessert your favorite sweet sauce or cream.

How to cook "hrustiki" on vodka?

Adding soda to the basis for "crunchy" will make the dish airy inside and very crispy from the outside.



Flour sift with soda. In a separate container, whisk eggs with sugar and add the vodka. To the egg mixture pour kefir and again all thoroughly whisk until homogeneous. Now proceed to the connection of dry and liquid ingredients. We knead thick dough and cover it with food film. Let's leave the dough for about half an hour at room temperature, and then roll it out on a dust-dusted surface to a thickness of half a centimeter. We cut "hrustiki" as the soul wants and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.