Kick Baker knee joint - the main reasons for the appearance and the best ways of treatment

Kick Baker knee joint is a common disease. It is more common in childhood (up to 7 years) and after 40. This pathological education delivers many problems to patients. In the absence of proper treatment, the situation may worsen, and then the only way out is surgical intervention.

Cyst Baker - reasons

Outwardly this pathology is manifested by the formation of a "cone" in the popliteal region. Inside the formation is filled with synovial fluid. "Cone" is soft to the touch. Its size can vary from 1 to 7 cm. There are two types of cysts:

Baker's cyst in the popliteal region is more often caused by the following reasons:

Baker's cyst of the knee joint - symptoms

At the initial stage, the ailment does not bother the patient. However, as the cyst grows, Baker's knee becomes a real disaster. This pathological formation is accompanied by such symptoms:

Kick Baker knee joint - diagnosis

An experienced doctor can easily put a correct diagnosis, because pathological education is well seen. To be sure that this is really a Baker's cyst of the knee joint, a specialist can direct the patient to an ultrasound. If this diagnostic method does not provide an exhaustive answer to all the questions the doctor has, he can recommend an MRI or CT scan.

Puncture of Baker's cyst

This procedure refers to conservative methods of treatment, but this is not a kind of surgical intervention. This manipulation is accompanied by ultrasound imaging: the needle path is displayed on the monitor screen, so the doctor can monitor everything that is happening. There are ways to perform a puncture:

If there is a Baker cyst, the diagnosis with puncture is performed as follows:

  1. The doctor treats the skin with an antiseptic.
  2. Punctures the capsule and extracts its contents.
  3. After pumping out the liquid, the needle is left, and instead of the syringe with the synovial substance, connect the container with the drug.
  4. The needle is removed, and the skin is treated with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied to the puncture site.

What is dangerous Baker's cyst in the knee joint?

Pathological education at the initial stage of development is not fraught with complications. However, the situation dramatically changes when the "checker" begins to grow. In this case, even the breakdown of Baker's cyst is possible. The synovial fluid released from the capsule impregnates the tissues of calves and knees. At this stage, the Baker's cyst of the knee joint is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms:

Together with the released liquid, "travel" and harmful microorganisms. They affect other parts of the limb. As a result, the Baker's cyst of the knee joint can lead to the development of sepsis. There are other serious complications. Such consequences help to understand if Baker's cyst is dangerous or not. The most common complications are:

Kick Baker knee joint - treatment

When choosing a therapy, the doctor takes into account the following points:

Here's how to treat Baker's cyst of the knee joint:

If pathological education is not neglected, then conservative treatment can be limited. The first thing you need to do to the patient is to immobilize the affected knee. This will help the bandage. However, it should not be too tight, otherwise it can disrupt normal blood circulation. In addition, in the first days after the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, ice compresses are good, which should not be kept for more than 20 minutes.

How to treat Baker's cyst medicamentally:

The cyst of the popliteal fossa is also treated with the help of exercise therapy. However, before doing such exercises, it is worth consulting with a physiotherapist. More often gymnastics is used to increase the elasticity of muscles. These exercises can be done only in the case when the "cone" is caused by the degenerative-inflammatory process occurring in the knee joint.

Kist Baker - treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods can be used as a separate component of complex therapy. However, in this case, the cyst of Baker treatment is provided strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Especially effective is the golden mustache. On the basis of this healing plant, alcoholic tinctures are made.

Prescription means


Preparation, application

  1. Stems, leaves and antennae crushed, sent to a 3-liter jar (fill it to the shoulders) and pour vodka.
  2. Keep the drug in a dark place for 3 weeks.
  3. After the infusion filter.
  4. You can drink 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day or do overnight compresses.

The Baker cyst of a deformed knee joint can be treated with unrefined vegetable oil.

Compress Recipe



  1. Take a piece of clean gauze, fold it into 8-10 layers.
  2. Moisten with oil.
  3. Then apply the compress to the "bump", cover it with polyethylene and fix it with a bandage.
  4. Doing such compresses is better at night, and in the morning wipe the skin with a dry towel.

Drainage of Baker's cyst

The second name for this procedure is aspiration. During this manipulation, the synovial cyst of the popliteal fossa is pierced. After that, using an empty syringe with a needle pumped out the liquid from the "bump". Drainage should be carried out in a hospital by a highly qualified specialist. It's strictly forbidden to conduct such manipulations yourself!

Treatment of Baker's cyst by laser

The temperature of the beam reaches 800 ° C. It is characterized by hemostatic and antibacterial actions. The procedure with its use is recommended when the "cone" reaches a large size. The popliteal cyst is removed under local anesthesia. The procedure itself is performed as follows:

  1. With the help of a laser, the skin dissects the pathological formation (this opens access to the "sword").
  2. The capsule is grasped with forceps and pulled out.
  3. The laser beam cuts the growth from the underlying tissues.
  4. Stitches are applied.

Although this procedure is safe, there is a considerable list of contraindications to it. These include the following phenomena:

Operation to remove Baker's cyst

If drug therapy and physiotherapy do not give a positive result, resort to cardinal measures. The Baker's cyst of the knee joint for the size of the operation is large. In this case, surgical intervention can be as follows:

  1. With the help of an arthroscope - the device with instruments is inserted through two incisions made in the popliteal cavity. First, the liquid is pumped out, then the capsule itself is removed. After the punctures impose stitches.
  2. Classical operation - an incision is made on the skin, a capsular cyst is excised, and then a seam is applied to the incision. On top of the knee wear a tight bandage.

After the removal of the Baker cyst has been performed, the patient is given recommendations on the subsequent recovery.

During the rehabilitation period it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. In the next 2 months, heavy loads on the operated leg are unacceptable.
  2. The first time you need to take vasoconstrictor.
  3. For the fastest tightening of the seams, swimming is recommended.