Unloading day for pregnant women to lose weight

During pregnancy, the issue of maternal health becomes particularly important. However, it is even more important to carefully monitor the baby's health. These two parameters are closely related. Problems with maternal health almost immediately affect the condition of the child.

Watching the state of the pregnant woman, doctors pay special attention to weight control. A sharp increase in weight may indicate not only the growth of crumbs and fat deposits in the mother, but also on internal swelling. If the cause of excess weight lies in the last factor, then it is necessary to take urgent measures to get rid of excess fluid.

Internal swelling can cause a violation of oxygen supply to the baby. To combat them, doctors often recommend unloading days.

What days of discharge can be arranged for pregnant women?

Some future mothers may doubt whether pregnant women can arrange days of unloading. Doctors are sure you can. However, for this, the state of health of the expectant mother should be good enough. The best option is that when a doctor appoints a menu of a day of discharge for a pregnant woman to reduce weight, based on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy.

The most popular unloading days are:

  1. Kefir day. For a day it is suggested to drink 1,5-2 liters of kefir. If you sit only on yogurt is difficult, you can add a little cottage cheese and a slice of meat.
  2. Curd fasting day for pregnant women consists of 600 grams of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat and 2 glasses of unsweetened tea. Unloading day on cottage cheese during pregnancy is the most popular day, as it is easily transferred, and the body receives important nutrients at the same time.
  3. Apple unloading day. For one meal you can eat two apples. The daily rate is about 1.5 kg of fruit.
  4. Unloading on porridges. More often for this purpose, buckwheat is used, since it is considered the most useful for the body.

How to do unloading days during pregnancy?

Unloading days during pregnancy should be combined with a little physical exertion. It is advisable on this day not to plan distant exits from the house, since the body can react to changes in the diet by jumps in pressure and changes in the work of the intestine.

The entire volume of food is divided into 6 times. In addition, it is necessary to drink a large amount of mineral or pure water. If the doctor notices a large number of edema, he can prescribe the use of diuretics, which will have to be taken for a certain time.