How to deal with the wireworm?

While engaged in gardening on their plot of land, many gardeners sooner or later encounter plant pests. Among the enemies of garden plantings, a pest of a beetle-clicker wireworm and its larvae can meet.

The larva of the wireworm is a yellowish hard worm, having a length of not more than three centimeters. The insect is so nicknamed that when it bounces it makes a click. The beetle-beetle has a rather long life cycle: some species of the click can survive up to five years.

The greatest interest is shown in vegetable cultures (potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers), beans, grain crops, buckwheat.

There are a large number of types of wireworm, protection from which is laborious enough and takes a lot of time. However, it is necessary to struggle with them systematically. Otherwise, the growth of plants in your garden will be completely stopped.

Fighting the wireworm on potatoes and other garden crops

If your kitchen garden was visited by such an uninvited guest, then it is quite natural to ask how to deal with a wireworm. Most often it damages potatoes, it is one of the frequent diseases of potatoes . He is able to eat into tubers and roots, eat roots and stems of potatoes.

Unfortunately, there are no potato varieties resistant to wireworms. However, in your power to carry out a set of measures to prevent the appearance of wireworm on beds.

The fight against the wireworm in the garden includes the following actions:

Also, special attention should be paid to special means of fighting wireworms. So, during the planting itself, the bottom of the furrow can be sprinkled with the insecticide "Aktara", and subsequently introduce into the soil a granulated drug "Bazudin" or one of its analogues (Zemlin, Grom-2, Kapkan, Pochin). In the evening, the surface of the ground beneath the plants should be sprayed with the biopreparation Entonem-F.

Folk remedies for wireworms

Some gardeners recommend that when digging up the soil, pour the crushed slag (from the furnace with coal). One square meter of land will need a 1-liter can of such impurities. This means of wireworm allows you to reduce the number of larvae of the beetle a few days after the digging of the earth.

Also for watering it is recommended to prepare a three-day infusion, consisting of:

Watering is carried out 2-3 times, thus making weekly breaks.

Wireworm can cause irreparable harm to vegetable and grain crops, therefore, it is necessary to take various measures to combat it.