Strawberry Giantella

Strawberry Giantella is a variety bred by Dutch breeders and requiring systematic care. Many gardeners would like to breed the Giantella strawberries on their land, as they heard about the high yield of berry crops and the amazing sizes of fruits.

Description of Giantella Strawberry

Strawberry Gigantella-Maxi has a number of qualities that favorably distinguish it from other varieties. The plant bush is thick and powerful, reaching a height of half a meter, and in diameter - 60 cm. Leaves with a slight corrugation have a light green color. The culture is characterized by thick peduncles and large red fruits of regular shape: the weight of one berry with good care can reach 100 g, and a diameter of 8-9 cm. Seeds quite noticeably protrude above the fetal surface. Strawberry has a sweet taste and a pronounced flavor. The variety is resistant to diseases and well tolerates a cold winter.

Strawberry Giantella: planting and care

Seed sowing

When growing Giantella strawberries from seeds, it is better to sow crops in February-March. The soil is prepared as follows: sand (3 parts), humus (5 parts) it is desirable to warm in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. After hot treatment, the earth is poured into the tank, moistened and slightly compacted. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the ground, from above are covered with a small layer of snow and for 5 days are exposed to a cold place with a temperature of 0 to +5 degrees. After that, the crops are transferred to a warmer room and until germination are kept at a temperature of +20 ... + 24 degrees. When 1 to 2 real leaves appear, the seedlings are dived into cups and the temperature background drops to +14 ... + 16 degrees.

In the open ground sprouts are planted after the appearance of the 6th present leaf, approximately in early May. Four bushes are planted on 1 m2. In the first year after planting strawberries fertilizer should not be introduced, but watering is required regular and abundant.


In subsequent years, care for the Giantella strawberry begins with the time when the snow will come down. In the first place, dry and frozen leaves are eliminated, and bushes are processed with Karate poisonous chemicals, Arrivo, etc. For the prevention of fungal diseases, you can use the husk of leaves or tobacco. After 2 - 3 weeks in the radical zone, wood ash is scattered to increase the alkaline level of the soil. Before the beginning of flowering, the strawberry is abundantly watered, but during the flowering period it is not recommended to water Gigantella-Maxi. Feeding is carried out 1 - 2 times a season in diluted in water manure (for 10 parts of water 1 part of manure). To preserve moisture, it is desirable to mulch with sawdust, straw, leaves or needles. Experienced gardeners especially recommend using pine needles or spruce, believing that in this way the viability of the crop is increased.

Tip : the yield of strawberries stimulates regular tearing of mustaches and shoots.

Disease Prevention

The most popular way of processing strawberries Giantella - infusion of horse sorrel. The crushed sorrel is placed in a 10-liter container and poured hot water. The composition is insisted for 2 - 3 days, after which it is filtered. The resulting plant is sprayed.

Pest Control

Most often, ripe berries are desired slug , while they destroy a significant part of the crop. To get rid of pests, a simple method is suitable: in low polyethylene lids beer is poured and left for the night. In the morning, you can collect the drunken slugs gathered near the lids and destroy them.


Despite the fact that the strawberry variety is frost-hardy, in the conditions of a temperate climatic zone for winter it is desirable to sprinkle the mustache with the earth and, if possible, cover the overgrown manure with beds.