Pills for breast milk burnout

With the birth of a child, women have questions about breastfeeding . For example: what to do if the milk is too much, and the child should already be weaned?

When should I finish breastfeeding?

The best nutrient for the growing baby's body is breast milk. But it is not always possible and necessary to feed the child in this way. The reason for this may be not only the desire of a woman or the need to absent herself, but also the health of mother and baby.

Contraindications of feeding

Contraindications for feeding:

From 6 months, you need to introduce complementary foods, reducing the amount of milk. And in some women, natural feeding turns into torture: milk is too much and the glands constantly raise pressure, which provokes pain.

Tablets that burn breast milk

Tablets for the combustion of breast milk are an effective way to reduce excess milk production. The mechanism of action of the drug: a decrease in the production of prolactin - a hormone, which ensures the synthesis of milk, directly through the central stimulation of the D2-receptors of the pituitary gland.

After 3 hours after taking such a drug as Dostinex, a decrease in prolactin in the blood is observed, which lasts from 7 to 28 days - that is, milk ceases to form. Bromocriptine and Ginipral are also used. Use tablets, in order to breast milk burned out, very convenient.

Choice of preparation

The choice of tablets for the combustion of breast milk should be approached very responsibly. It is better to consult with an experienced gynecologist, to prevent side effects: breast tenderness, depression, falling blood pressure.