How to pump up the buttocks to a girl?

How many people, so many preferences - some choose a gym, others - shaping or hot -iron, and still others prefer to study at home. However, whatever path you choose, you can always find an effective way to pump up the buttocks. Classes require an integrated approach and consistency in action, so for effective training you need to somewhat expand your knowledge of sports and muscles.

How quickly to pump up the buttocks to the girl?

Quickly - this is how much time? A week? For a week it is impossible to significantly change the muscle tissue. However, for one month, too, the changes will be barely noticeable. To see the first noticeable results, it should be at least 3-6 months.

What affects the speed of achieving the effect in the matter of how to pump up the buttocks to the girl:

  1. Regularity of training. You will not achieve anything by doing it on a case-by-case basis. Training should be strictly 3 times a week to give a lasting result.
  2. You need to adjust your diet . If you give up the sweet and floury, and make your diet of meat, eggs and dairy products, as well as vegetables and cereals, you will achieve a much faster result as the protein is needed to create muscle tissue.
  3. Good load. If you do not get muscle aches after your workout, then you are too weak and the effect will be appropriate.

As we have already explained, in 7 days it is impossible to create a beautiful body, and to get a really impressive result, you need to be morally tune in for a long way. Therefore, giving up the word "fast", you will soon come to the goal and do not throw your idea half way.

How to pump up the muscles of the buttocks to the girl at home?

In order to create a beautiful body without leaving home, you need to acquire weight. Someone uses bottles of sand or water, but it is best to buy old good dumbbells weighing at least 2.5 -3 kg each. Exercises are quite simple:

  1. Squats with dumbbells at a slow pace, pulling the buttocks back. A total of 3 approaches 15 times.
  2. Squats with a dumbbell and on widely divorced legs. A total of 3 approaches 15 times.
  3. Classic attacks with dumbbells in the hands. Just 3 sets of 15 times for each leg.
  4. Raising a straight leg up from a standing position on all fours. Just 3 sets of 15 times for each leg.
  5. Raising a bent leg up from a standing position on all fours. Just 3 sets of 15 times for each leg.
  6. Exercise "bridge for the buttocks" - from the position of "lying on your back with bent knees" tear off the buttocks from the floor. A total of 3 approaches 15 times.

The main thing is to conduct this training in good faith, slowly, calmly and regularly. Then the effect will not keep you waiting.

How to pump up the big buttocks to the girl?

If you want truly beautiful round shapes, it's best to go for them to the gym. Even without an individual coach you can work out the muscles with the help of simulators and a bar:

  1. Squats with a barbell, 3 sets of 15 times.
  2. Falls with dumbbells, 3 sets of 12 times on each leg.
  3. Squats in the Smith simulator, 3 sets of 15 times.
  4. Squats in the Gakk-machine, 3 sets of 15 times.
  5. Retracting the leg with the load back, 5 sets of 12 times.

Often coaches hear the question of how to skinny girl to pump up the buttocks. The answer is simple - for the increase in muscle mass, regular loads with burden and protein nutrition are needed. Ideally, you should get 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to ensure a gain in muscle mass. Really, this is possible only with the use of sports nutrition - for example, protein.