How to stop menstruation?

Monthly are the integral companions of every woman of childbearing age. However, there are situations where women want menstruation to end earlier than usual. Whether it is possible to stop monthly and what is fraught with such interference in the natural processes of the body, we will tell in this article.

Do I need to stop the menstruation?

Menstruation is a natural process in the body of a woman, and it is not recommended to interfere with it without a good reason. In this case, a good cause is a health problem.

Normally, the duration of menstruation is 4-7 days. Sometimes it is plentiful and lasts much longer - this is an indicator to seek the help of a specialist. Only a doctor can find out the cause of the violations, urgently remove it and tell you how to stop long-term ones.

The consequences of independent intervention in the natural process can be deplorable, down to infertility. The thing is that during menstruation, there is a rejection of the endometrium lining the uterus. If this process is completed earlier, part of the endometrium will remain in the uterine cavity, provoking the development of the inflammatory process.

How to stop long and profuse periods?

If the menstruation is long and abundant, it is not necessary to stop them urgently. In addition to the treatment prescribed by a specialist, the following recommendations can be adhered to.

  1. Oral contraceptives. Taking birth control pills helps to normalize the cycle. Gradually, the number of menstrual secretions decreases, and their duration decreases.
  2. Active lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, regular sex life are also able to reduce the duration of menstruation and make them less abundant.
  3. A healthy balanced diet. Women who are sitting on strict diets, menstruation can go longer than usual.

People's means can come to help in this matter. Immediately explain that stop the monthly they will not help. You can only call them a few days earlier or later or make them scarce.


Nettle with menses is used since ancient times. The broth of nettle should be drunk during the period. It is prepared based on the calculation of 4 - 5 st. spoons of dry herbs for 0.5 liters of hot water. Nettle should be filled with water, boil for 5 minutes in a water bath and insist for half an hour. Drink the broth for half a cup before meals, three times a day.

Whether nettles will stop monthly, the question is controversial, the broth from it can only reduce the volume of menstrual flow.

Honey and parsley

To promote the onset of menstruation for a few days ahead of time can honey. It must be eaten a week before the expected period of menstruation.

A similar effect has a decoction of parsley. To do this, 40 grams of fresh, finely chopped parsley should be poured with boiling water and insist for three hours. Take a decoction of half a cup before meals, three times a day. Reception of broth should be started one week before the onset of menstruation. In the end, they should go for a few days before this time.

How to stop a monthly lemon?

Among the recommendations, how to stop the monthly folk remedies, you can meet advice on the intake of lemon. In some cases, it can work, but you need to consume lemon in advance, a few days before the expected onset of menstruation. Monthly in this case occur 1 to 3 days later.

In fact, this method is not recommended for use, since lemon can cause problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Direct contraindications are such diseases as gastritis, ulcers, etc.

How can I quickly stop the menstruation?

To stop monthly if there are no medical indications is not necessary, despite the positive experience of the girlfriends or "effective recipes" from the Internet.


In searches, than to stop monthly, including very plentiful, it is possible to find a number medicamental preparations (napimer, vikasol, ditsinon, trinikansan). Most of them, indeed, are able to stop menstruation in a short time, but do not forget about contraindications. The consequence of taking such drugs without prescribing a doctor may be blood clots, etc.

Oral contraceptives

Women who take oral contraceptives can stop menstruation. To achieve this effect, they do not make the necessary breaks in taking birth control pills. Doctors are against such a way of regulating the cycle, since it can lead to hormonal failure , poor health and long-term problems with cycle recovery.