Kuril tea - useful properties and contraindications

Kuril tea is an herbal medicinal drink that is made from the leaves of the plant of the cotton spoon. The spindle has another name - the bush pyatilistnik. This is a very pretty plant, often used as decorative flower beds. The cobweb is common in the Altai Mountains, the Far East, Siberia, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan, it has several varieties, each of which has useful properties and can be used for making tea.

The composition of the Kuril tea is similar to Chinese green tea , but it contains a wider range of useful components. For tea, use young shoots of bush along with leaves, stems and inflorescences.

Useful properties of the Kuril tea

The use of Kuril tea was known in ancient Tibet and was widely used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. Useful properties of the Kuril tea are due to the content of a number of medical components:

In addition to these substances, the composition of Kuril tea includes essential oils, carotenoids, phenolic acids, vegetable resins and saponins.

In folk medicine, the useful properties of Kuril tea have been used for many centuries to treat and prevent a number of diseases. To date, it is very important to use decoctions and infusions of lapchatka as a preventive measure of oncological pathologies, due to the high content of various antioxidants and stimulants of biochemical metabolic processes in it.

In addition, Kuril tea has such a spectrum of effects on the body:

Kuril tea is used to treat conditions such as:

Regular use of Kuril tea allows you to regulate the functions of the digestive system and restore normal fat metabolism, which helps to get rid of excess weight.

Contraindications to the use of Kuril tea

Kuril tea with a variety of useful properties has a number of contraindications. First of all, this concerns people with individual intolerance and prone to hypotension, since frequent use of this drink lowers blood pressure. People who have problems with kidneys need to comply with the daily rate and not abuse the use of Kuril tea, since it puts stress on the urinary system.